Bleeding Internal Hemorrhoids - How to Treat Them
Bleeding internal hemorrhoids are found in the rectal end of the alimentary system.
Hemorrhoids can be treated by first knowing how they come about in the first place.
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins of the lower rectum and the anus.
These veins are highly inflamed and will come with symptoms including irritation and itchiness, burning sensation and discomfort, pain and swelling round the anus.
External hemorrhoids are found outside the anus.
Internal hemorrhoids are located at the end of the rectum.
If you insert a finger inside the anus, you may be able to feel the bulge that is painless.
You will notice bright red blood oozing out of the anus during bowel movement.
This is the characteristic of internal hemorrhoids.
In order to treat these hemorrhoids, you can use the following methods: 1) A suppository that contains an astringent as well as a steroidal anti inflammatory and anesthetic medication.
This use will not only shrink the hemorrhoids but also will cause no pain.
Then the steroid will eliminate itchiness and will rapidly help the injured and inflamed skin tissues.
2) Use witch hazel as the astringent to also shrink the hemorrhoids.
3)Butcher's broom is an astringent that will constrict the vessels.
It also has the ability to cure the inflamed cells as well as strengthening the blood vessel.
4) Use of a sitz bath-you can soak the rectal area for a few minutes.
This greatly helps in hemorrhoids treatment.
These are some of the recommended home remedies that have been proven to be highly successful in eliminating hemorrhoids.
Bleeding internal hemorrhoids will disappear very fast using these remedies.
Hemorrhoids can be treated by first knowing how they come about in the first place.
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins of the lower rectum and the anus.
These veins are highly inflamed and will come with symptoms including irritation and itchiness, burning sensation and discomfort, pain and swelling round the anus.
External hemorrhoids are found outside the anus.
Internal hemorrhoids are located at the end of the rectum.
If you insert a finger inside the anus, you may be able to feel the bulge that is painless.
You will notice bright red blood oozing out of the anus during bowel movement.
This is the characteristic of internal hemorrhoids.
In order to treat these hemorrhoids, you can use the following methods: 1) A suppository that contains an astringent as well as a steroidal anti inflammatory and anesthetic medication.
This use will not only shrink the hemorrhoids but also will cause no pain.
Then the steroid will eliminate itchiness and will rapidly help the injured and inflamed skin tissues.
2) Use witch hazel as the astringent to also shrink the hemorrhoids.
3)Butcher's broom is an astringent that will constrict the vessels.
It also has the ability to cure the inflamed cells as well as strengthening the blood vessel.
4) Use of a sitz bath-you can soak the rectal area for a few minutes.
This greatly helps in hemorrhoids treatment.
These are some of the recommended home remedies that have been proven to be highly successful in eliminating hemorrhoids.
Bleeding internal hemorrhoids will disappear very fast using these remedies.