Technology Software

Sorry, The Galaxy Nexus Is Too Big

You cant hide the fact that, having iPhone or any other Android phone makes you feel happy and why not? These Phones give you better video quality, bigger map, big enough screen size to read e-mails and webpages.

However, in case of Galaxy Nexus, everything is slightly larger than any other smart-phones, making it quiet impossible for a man like me to completely operate the Galaxy Nexus with just one hand. Its large size body forces me to use my second hand. If, you have a big hands or a professional Basketball player, than you might see the things differently.

Though Galaxy Nexus has impressive screen pixels, but sometimes I find it hard to operate with just one hand. There are places where I find its size really making uncomfortable to use such as while hanging onto a pole in a Metro and especially, when I went to see my relatives with luggage in on hand and other hand is finding uncomfortable to navigate the streets via Galaxy Nexus.

Without sliding hand, it is impossible to reach the corners of screen with your thumb. Sliding hand sometime or someday might lead you to unwillingly drop your expensive phone.

Galaxy Nexus has dimensions of 5.33 x2.67 x0.35 with a display screen of 4.65 inches. At first, I found it interesting and impressive. Its screen size was bigger than iPhones, which makes me feel excited. However, in excitement I completely forgot to notice that, its size was too big for me. This is just my view and I am sure that, there are plenty of other users with their own views about the Galaxy Nexus. This is just in concern to those, who might be looking for a new phone.

This year at Mobile World Congress, plenty of other smart-phones were displayed with larger screen and sizes such as Samsun Galaxy note with 5.0 inches screen and Panasonic Eluga Power with 5.0 inches wide screen, where as LG introduced its new Optimus VU, which offer 4:3 aspected ratio in 5.0 inches wide screen. These sizes even make it harder to operate with single hand. Yeah, I am not anti-larger size phones, but here in this content I am just trying to show you some points what you may experience after purchasing the large sized phones. Large sized phones do have their own advantages, unless you are ready to work with both hands.

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