Developing Your Child"s Sense of Confidence
Children possess a delicate mind and are fast learners.
They learn from the surroundings they live in.
So if you are planning to help them build their positive attitude towards life and self worth, then you need to show them your positive side and self worth.
Always being positive while speaking and stressing your capabilities will have tremendous impact on the child.
Your child will become conscious that it is rather delightful and no wrong to be proud of our abilities and talents.
Your child will always appreciate you and look towards you when you will encourage or speak high of him everyday.
You can always assign a simple task to your child which you know he will accomplish, and then on completion you can compliment him on doing that task skillfully.
In fact it is a way of showing to the child that positive acts done deserve positive feedback.
If we find ourselves in negative emotions like depressions or anger, we need to honestly and skillfully communicate with them.
We should always avoid judging them, because they will avoid approaching us next time they feel such emotions in life.
This certainly will have a debilitating effect on your relationship and child will then start trying to find solace in other people than you, something you may never wished.
We should be careful to leave open communication channels open with child by advising him positive attitude and actions as an answer to his problems.
This will assist them to understand their inner feelings because a child at such young age may not be capable to analyze their own emotions and feelings.
Teach your child the importance of creating goals and developing plans to meet those goals.
Small projects are the good way to start off with in the beginning.
Ensure that it's an appropriate tasks for your child, and not too unmanageable.
Don't only give praise at the end of the project, but compliment their accomplishments throughout the tasks as well.
Above all, make it a point to say to your child "I Love you" on each and every day, in fact may times a day.
When for some reason they may have failed to perform, you should remind yourself that it's not that we don't fancy them, it's just their behavior.
Make it a habit to insert sweet notes into their lunch boxes or Shirt pockets, sometimes even sending them cute cards by mail.
One day, your actions will surely bring colors and they'd say "I love you" from their heart with all honesty.
They learn from the surroundings they live in.
So if you are planning to help them build their positive attitude towards life and self worth, then you need to show them your positive side and self worth.
Always being positive while speaking and stressing your capabilities will have tremendous impact on the child.
Your child will become conscious that it is rather delightful and no wrong to be proud of our abilities and talents.
Your child will always appreciate you and look towards you when you will encourage or speak high of him everyday.
You can always assign a simple task to your child which you know he will accomplish, and then on completion you can compliment him on doing that task skillfully.
In fact it is a way of showing to the child that positive acts done deserve positive feedback.
If we find ourselves in negative emotions like depressions or anger, we need to honestly and skillfully communicate with them.
We should always avoid judging them, because they will avoid approaching us next time they feel such emotions in life.
This certainly will have a debilitating effect on your relationship and child will then start trying to find solace in other people than you, something you may never wished.
We should be careful to leave open communication channels open with child by advising him positive attitude and actions as an answer to his problems.
This will assist them to understand their inner feelings because a child at such young age may not be capable to analyze their own emotions and feelings.
Teach your child the importance of creating goals and developing plans to meet those goals.
Small projects are the good way to start off with in the beginning.
Ensure that it's an appropriate tasks for your child, and not too unmanageable.
Don't only give praise at the end of the project, but compliment their accomplishments throughout the tasks as well.
Above all, make it a point to say to your child "I Love you" on each and every day, in fact may times a day.
When for some reason they may have failed to perform, you should remind yourself that it's not that we don't fancy them, it's just their behavior.
Make it a habit to insert sweet notes into their lunch boxes or Shirt pockets, sometimes even sending them cute cards by mail.
One day, your actions will surely bring colors and they'd say "I love you" from their heart with all honesty.