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Sorting Your Magic The Gathering (mtg) Cards For Selling

The Problem

If you are a Magic the Gathering (MTG) player who has been playing for a bit, you've probably got plenty of MTG cards that are all over the place, and as a result, it can be difficult to figure out what cards you have, and also to be able to find them!

Over the last few years I've found a system for selling off spare Magic the Gathering cards and the first thing I needed to do was to sort my collection. This article is an overview of how to effectively sort your Magic the Gathering collection so that you can fully understand and realise what potential you have in your collection.

The Process

This is a highlight of the process you need to follow to properly sort your MTG collection so you can understand what you currently have - this will help you find cards and maximise your understanding of your collection for selling.

a) The Whole Story

This step may sound simple, but find all your cards and put them all together on a big table - as simple as that. It's important to make sure you are looking at the whole story.

b) Sort by Set and Block

The first thing to do with your MTG collection is to go through the collection you have in front of you and sort your cards into Block and Set. Firstly you should go through all your cards and sort these cards into piles. Each pile should contain all cards from one Magic the Gathering (MTG) set - try to keep them in chronological set order. In other words, try to make sure that your piles of cards are sorted such that the cards from the oldest sets are first, and the sets with the newest cards are last. This is probably the longest step, but also the most vital.

Next group those piles of cards into their respective Blocks. A Block in Magic the Gathering is a collection of Sets, so this step should be quite easy.

c) Sort by Rarity

OK, so now you have a number of piles of cards, one for each Set, and you have grouped your piles of cards together in their respective Blocks. You now need to go through your cards and sort each pile by rarity.

The main reason to do this is so that you can easily find your mythic rares, rares and uncommons, these are your most sought after and valuable cards.

d) Sort by Colour

OK, so now you have piles of cards sorted by Set, Block and rarity, the final step in the sorting process is to sort your cards by colour. Go through each one of those piles of cards, and then sort your collection by colour. The standard way to sort a collection is in the standard order of the colours of Magic the Gathering which is:

  • White

  • Blue

  • Black

  • Red

  • Green

  • Multicolour

  • Artifact

  • Land

Sorted - this should now leave you with a collection of Magic the Gathering cards which are nice and sorted, and easy to find anything you want.


Sorting your collection can take some time, but once it's done you are rewarded by a Magic the Gathering collection where you can easily find any card, and start to understand what is in your collection should you decide to sell cards from that collection.

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