Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Finding a Safe and Effective Hemorrhoids Remedy

Hemorrhoids certainly not rare with the average person having a fifty percent chance of developing this condition sometime in there lifetime.
Although common, hemorrhoids can be painful and embarrassing.
Fortunately, there are things that you can do to reduce the likelihood of getting hemorrhoids.
If you are one of the many people plagued by this condition, read on to learn more about finding a safe and effective hemorrhoids remedy to cure this painful problem and the steps you can take to prevent them in the first place.
So what exactly are hemorrhoids? Simply put, when the veins in the rectum or anus swell, a hemorrhoid develops.
Common symptoms of hemorrhoids include swelling, redness and severe itching in and around the anal area.
Different forms of hemorrhoids exist, and your condition might be an internal or external hemorrhoid or even a prolapsed or strangulated hemorrhoid.
Who gets hemorrhoids? Although they can strike at any age, hemorrhoids are typically seen in folks over the age of 50.
There are a few factors that can increase your odds of getting a hemorrhoid.
Things like bad posture, straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, severe coughing, heavy lifting, bouts of constipation and obesity can all contribute.
By making some easy changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can relieve much of the pressure on your rectal veins and reduce the severity and likelihood of developing hemorrhoids.
One of the most common causes of this problem is straining during your bowel movements.
Often this is the result of passing a tough stool, so you will want to take steps to keep your stool soft.
A change in diet can often help with this.
A diet rich in fruits, veggies, and fiber promotes regularity and can be a great help in keeping your stool soft.
If dietary changes aren't enough, you may also wish to use an over the counter stool softener medicine.
Increased pressure in the rectal veins may also be due to prolonged sitting, particularly on the toilet or from standing long periods of time.
Making simple changes to your way of life to include more exercise and less time sitting can go a long way towards reducing the risk factors of hemorrhoids.
While diet and life changes can help prevent hemorrhoids if you already suffer from the condition you could be searching for more immediate relief.
Anti-inflammatory treatments are most suitable because they aren't invasive like surgery is.
Natural astringents like Witch hazel and aloe vera can also be helpful in treating hemorrhoids and reducing swelling and pressure on the rectal veins.
Another way to find relief is to wash the area with cold water and soap.
After you wash you should dry the area apply an over the counter hemorrhoid cream to the skin around the anus.
Warm sitz baths and cold compresses will also help reduce the discomfort.
If your condition is more serious or persists despite home treatment, your doctor may recommend a surgical option to address the problem.

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