Get Rid of Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins found in the rectum.
They may either be inside the anus (internal hemorrhoids) or outside the anus (external hemorrhoids).
External hemorrhoids can be extremely painful when sitting, walking or exercising.
The pain can intensify during a bowel movement, especially when squeezing or straining.
Anal bleeding can result because of the extra pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins, causing them to rupture.
Discomfort from hemorrhoids usually is in the form of an itching or burning sensation around the rectum.
The area is often irritated and sore.
The treatment of external hemorrhoids can include ice packs to the affected area as well as sitz baths, sitting in warm water for a period of about 15 to 20 minutes.
There are several over-the-counter creams, ointments and suppositories which you can apply to the area as well.
Hemorrhoids can develop in women during pregnancy.
This is especially true during the last 3 months when the growing fetus puts pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins causing them to become inflamed and swell.
Pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins can also be caused by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
During childbirth itself, the strong pushing can also increase pressure on the veins resulting in hemorrhoids.
Pregnant women often become constipated which can result in hemorrhoids because of pressure on veins during bowel movements.
Hemorrhoids can be painful and irritating during pregnancy, often resulting in bleeding, but these symptoms usually disappear after the baby is born.
Hemorrhoids can also develop in obese people and people who suffer periods of constipation where the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins become weakened, usually resulting in bleeding.
Internal hemorrhoids are manifested as hard, sore lumps inside the anus which becomes very tender to the touch.
Surgery is often the cure used to remove the hard lumps.
Some over-the-counter creams or gels are expensive and ineffective because they only provide temporary relief.
They treat the symptoms but not the cause.
They do not get to the root of the problem.
For that reason, they are not able to cure hemorrhoids.
Even people who undergo hemorrhoid surgery can't be sure that their hemorrhoids won't return.
Many times they do and the surgery is painful and expensive.
There are, however, safe and effective cures for hemorrhoids that use 100% natural ingredients.
Many of these are very inexpensive and can be purchased in any grocery or natural food store.
Once you know the secret of using these simple home remedies, you can eliminate the root cause of hemorrhoids forever.
They may either be inside the anus (internal hemorrhoids) or outside the anus (external hemorrhoids).
External hemorrhoids can be extremely painful when sitting, walking or exercising.
The pain can intensify during a bowel movement, especially when squeezing or straining.
Anal bleeding can result because of the extra pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins, causing them to rupture.
Discomfort from hemorrhoids usually is in the form of an itching or burning sensation around the rectum.
The area is often irritated and sore.
The treatment of external hemorrhoids can include ice packs to the affected area as well as sitz baths, sitting in warm water for a period of about 15 to 20 minutes.
There are several over-the-counter creams, ointments and suppositories which you can apply to the area as well.
Hemorrhoids can develop in women during pregnancy.
This is especially true during the last 3 months when the growing fetus puts pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins causing them to become inflamed and swell.
Pressure on the hemorrhoidal veins can also be caused by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
During childbirth itself, the strong pushing can also increase pressure on the veins resulting in hemorrhoids.
Pregnant women often become constipated which can result in hemorrhoids because of pressure on veins during bowel movements.
Hemorrhoids can be painful and irritating during pregnancy, often resulting in bleeding, but these symptoms usually disappear after the baby is born.
Hemorrhoids can also develop in obese people and people who suffer periods of constipation where the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins become weakened, usually resulting in bleeding.
Internal hemorrhoids are manifested as hard, sore lumps inside the anus which becomes very tender to the touch.
Surgery is often the cure used to remove the hard lumps.
Some over-the-counter creams or gels are expensive and ineffective because they only provide temporary relief.
They treat the symptoms but not the cause.
They do not get to the root of the problem.
For that reason, they are not able to cure hemorrhoids.
Even people who undergo hemorrhoid surgery can't be sure that their hemorrhoids won't return.
Many times they do and the surgery is painful and expensive.
There are, however, safe and effective cures for hemorrhoids that use 100% natural ingredients.
Many of these are very inexpensive and can be purchased in any grocery or natural food store.
Once you know the secret of using these simple home remedies, you can eliminate the root cause of hemorrhoids forever.