Travel & Places Asia Pacific

India Immigration Laws

    General Visa Requirements

    • Visas are required for all foreigners travelling to India, regardless of the length of their stay. Nationals of Finland, Japan, Luxembourg, New Zealand or Singapore can qualify for visas issued on arrival in India. For all other foreigners, visas must be processed through their home country's Indian consulate, or an outsourced visa processing agency, prior to arrival in India.

    Employment Visas

    • Foreigners employed by Indian companies or by NGOs working in India may qualify for an employment visa, lasting up to one year. The application must include full identification information, including a passport valid for at least six previous months; photographs; proof of address; photocopy of a birth certificate; a letter of appointment indicating a "handsome" salary; a comprehensive letter outlining the contract; registration information for the employing company; a tax liability letter; and a letter justifying hiring a foreign worker instead of an Indian national. Nationals of Sri Lanka, Pakistan or Bangladesh must complete additional, specialized forms.

    Student and Research Visas

    • Foreigners seeking to study or conduct research in India may qualify for either a student visa or a research visa, allowing them to remain in India for the duration of their studies. In addition to documents verifying nationality and identity, applicants for a student visa must provide a letter of admission from an academic program and evidence that they can cover living expenses throughout the course of studies. Research visas require applicants to submit full details on whatever form of study they will conduct. Research scholars must indicate the subject of their research; places they will visit; any previous visits; level of fluency in any Indian languages; affiliation with any recognized or reputed institutions; and evidence of financial resources. Foreign professors must demonstrate a letter of invitation from the institution or university sponsoring their professorship. Participants attending conferences, seminars or workshops must show a letter of invitation to any events.

    Visa Extensions

    • While India does not offer a long-term visa option, any of the visas may be extended for up to five years at a time, with unlimited travel to and from India permitted. Foreigners on business or employment visas may extend their visas one year at a time, for up to three years, with their spouses and children likewise covered. In applying for five-year extensions, foreigners of Indian origin are automatically eligible, as are their children or spouses. Also, foreign technicians and experts, children under 16, and foreigners continuously residing in India for 20 years all qualify.

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