Business & Finance Debt

It"s Time to Eliminate Your Credit Card Debt!

How did you sleep last night? If you are like millions of Americans that are struggling to make ends meet, the odds are pretty good that you didn't sleep well at all.
Is your phone ringing at all hours of the day and night, even weekends? Are you afraid to answer it, does fear and anxiety grip your body at the mere sound of a ringing phone? Then you are stuck in the middle of the credit card trap that is bringing the strongest American to their knees.
The credit card companies don't want you to realize the trap they have you in, but it's time to shed some light on this deep dark secret.
You need to know why your balances never seem to go down even after making your minimum monthly payments.
You need the facts so that you can stand up and say enough! The reality is that the average American currently has $10,000 worth of credit card debt.
What the credit card companies don't want you to realize is that by making the minimum monthly payments it will take 40 years to pay off!That is longer than it takes to pay off your mortgage! It's the interest that is at the heart of the trap! This is how it starts; you go to the gas station and decide to use your credit card for gas and a few small items inside.
Maybe some milk, or some snacks; simple insignificant things that catch your eye.
The total comes to $50, you whip out your little plastic card and all is right with the world.
Or is it? Do you realize that by paying the minimum monthly payment on that credit card it will take you 2 years to pay that $50? That's right, 2 years to pay off some gas and snacks! Outrageous! Think that interest doesn't add up quick? Think again! Last year the credit companies made $17 Billion Dollars from the interest they charge you the card holder.
Yes, Billion! Feeling a bit sick to your stomach yet? I am! The government finally took a stand and put a limit on the interest these companies can charge in the future, but that doesn't help your balance today! Fortunately the government did enact some new laws that can help you today! You can legally eliminate as much as 50% of your credit card debt right now! There are companies out there waiting to take advantage of these new laws to get you back on the track to financial security.
Don't wait any longer! Don't pretend that you can't hear the phone ringing! Take action, tell these big credit companies that you are on to their trap and you won't be part of it any longer! You can sleep peacefully again!

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