Health & Medical STDs Sexual Health & Reproduction

Are Genital Warts a Woman"s Disease?

There are many men who walk around believing that they are absolutely immune from genital warts.
According to these men's way of thinking, warts are absolutely a woman's disease and there is no way that they could ever be afflicted of them.
But is it true that genital warts are a woman's disease, which a man need not worry about? Well, according to medical experts who really understand these matters, the truth is that warts are as much a man's disease as they are a woman's disease: only that the male version of the disease doesn't get as much 'publicity' as the female version of genital warts.
While it is true that strictly speaking, more women do get afflicted with warts than men, looking at the figures keenly, it turns out that the difference between the men and women who get afflicted is small (actually negligible), so that feeding men with the notion that they need not worry about genital warts would misleading at best, and unethical at worst.
The idea that genital warts have come be seen as a woman's disease (and nothing for men to worry about) is probably attributable to the fact, as mentioned earlier, that the male version of warts is little talked about, so that many men have come to imagine that it is something that they have nothing to do with.
The notion of genital-warts only being a woman's problem, and something that men have nothing to do with is probably also attributable to the fact that mainly thanks to the anatomy of women, genital warts tend to manifest more virulently in them than in men.
Yet the fact that male manifestation of warts is less open than female manifestation of the same does not mean that the men are absolutely immune to the condition: it is just to say that the condition manifests differently in them than in women.
In recent days, a vaccine called Gardasil has been developed, to protect women from genital warts (and other diseases caused by the human pappiloma virus, HPV).
Now the fact that there is only a vaccine against genital warts for women, and none for men, could be another factor leading some men to view warts as being exclusively a woman's problem.
The truth of the matter, however, is that although the vaccine for warts is only available for women (and not for men), that doesn't mean that warts is exclusively a woman's problem.
It is just that a vaccine to protect men against genital warts has not been developed, but the vulnerability of men to warts is almost as high as the vulnerability of women to the same, as seen earlier.
The view that genital-warts is not a problem for men is one that needs to be done away with fast, because the truth of the matter (as things stand now) is that with the discovery of a vaccine against warts for women, men are actually now more at risk of the condition than women!

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