Hemorrhoid Pain Relief - 7 Ways to Get Relief From a Painful Hemorrhoid
Hemorrhoids can be a very painful condition if not treated correctly.
Most sufferers of hemorrhoids may not require any intervention.
However, there are many people who experience chronic pain with a flare up and require immediate relief from their symptoms.
So, here are seven methods that can help you to get hemorrhoid pain relief now.
(1) Topical creams - You can apply topical creams that you can get over the counter at a drug store.
These creams tend to offer temporary relief of hemorrhoids.
(2) Warm Baths - Sitting in a warm bath can also be helpful to alleviate the pain of an irritating hemorrhoid.
(3) Natural Remedies - There are many natural foods and herbs that can help you get a painful hemorrhoid under control.
Some of these include: witch hazel, aloe vera, and honey.
(4) Elevated Legs - Raising your legs while sleeping will assist with the elimination of hemorrhoids in many cases.
(5) Shower Massaging - If you have a handheld pulsating shower head, then you may want to use it to apply to the site.
When applied with cold water, this has also been effective as a tool to shrink hemorrhoids.
(6) Supplements - Dietary supplements and pills can be used to help relieve symptoms.
However, you should be careful when taking any of these types of pills as you do not know what reaction that they will cause.
(7) Surgery - There are surgical procedures that are known to help reduce the likelihood of a future recurrence of hemorrhoids.
However, before engaging in surgery, most people will try less evasive methods first to see if they will work for them.
Most sufferers of hemorrhoids may not require any intervention.
However, there are many people who experience chronic pain with a flare up and require immediate relief from their symptoms.
So, here are seven methods that can help you to get hemorrhoid pain relief now.
(1) Topical creams - You can apply topical creams that you can get over the counter at a drug store.
These creams tend to offer temporary relief of hemorrhoids.
(2) Warm Baths - Sitting in a warm bath can also be helpful to alleviate the pain of an irritating hemorrhoid.
(3) Natural Remedies - There are many natural foods and herbs that can help you get a painful hemorrhoid under control.
Some of these include: witch hazel, aloe vera, and honey.
(4) Elevated Legs - Raising your legs while sleeping will assist with the elimination of hemorrhoids in many cases.
(5) Shower Massaging - If you have a handheld pulsating shower head, then you may want to use it to apply to the site.
When applied with cold water, this has also been effective as a tool to shrink hemorrhoids.
(6) Supplements - Dietary supplements and pills can be used to help relieve symptoms.
However, you should be careful when taking any of these types of pills as you do not know what reaction that they will cause.
(7) Surgery - There are surgical procedures that are known to help reduce the likelihood of a future recurrence of hemorrhoids.
However, before engaging in surgery, most people will try less evasive methods first to see if they will work for them.