Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Bleeding Hemorrhoids: A Severe Condition?

The most shocking thing to see after a bowel movement is blood smudges on the toilet paper or drops in the bowl.
This could be the first serious symptom of hemorrhoids.
The usual symptoms are itching, swelling, pain and bleeding.
Are bleeding hemorrhoids a severe condition? The outlook can be very troubling but, for most bleeding hemorrhoids patients, not a serious threat.
The good news is today there are more proven therapies than ever to lessen the pain and discomfort of this condition.
Some work as fast as 48 hours and deliver long term solutions.
In some cases rectal bleeding can be a sign of a more serious health problem like colorectal cancer where a doctor should be consulted to make that diagnosis.
The main cause of hemorrhoids is constipation.
Straining during a bowel movement can produce bulging, bleeding hemorrhoids.
Other common causes are prolonged sitting, excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, heavy lifting and pregnancy.
The best practice to determine if you have hemorrhoids is to visit a licensed medical doctor or colorectal specialist.
When you find you definitely have hemorrhoids the treatment will begin for pain and discomfort including the bleeding.
Millions of people suffer from this condition and let it go untreated because of the embarrassment.
Delaying a visit to the doctor will only make the situation worse so seeking a diagnosis early will lead to an early recovery.
The treatment and recommendations from the doctor usually begin with a well-planned diet.
Avoid unhealthy foods that are rich in salt, and toxins.
Eat foods that are high in fiber, or at least take a mild laxative if you are constipated.
Drinking enough water and fruit smoothies will help in the indigestion.
Another exercise to avoid hemorrhoid recurrence is plenty of exercise.
Mild squatting and moving the abdominal area will ease tension.
Also, make sure that you warm up before you exercise and cool down after.
Herbal treatments such as supplements and topical solution or creams may be used to avoid the hemorrhoids itself.
These creams are designed to avoid hemorrhoids but cannot guarantee resistance from hemorrhoid recurrence.
As they say, prevention is better than the cure so invest in your health while the condition is not there yet.
Remember the measures you can take to avoid hemorrhoids.
A healthy and balanced diet including fiber-rich foods, herbal supplements, proper body mechanics and posture.
Also, good hygiene helps a lot in preventing hemorrhoids.

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