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Top Five Bibles for Kids

There are many awesome resources you can buy today when you are looking for bibles for kids.  It is not difficult to find different versions of the Word for all generations, but it can be a bit overwhelming with all of the choices that are out there!  It is my opinion that buying a Bible for a child is perhaps the most important investment you can ever make! We often spend more money on video games and entertainment for our children than we do on teaching them about Jesus!  When it comes to getting a new Bible for your child, price should never be a major issue in selecting a new Bible.

There are literally thousands of different Bibles you can purchase for kids today.  Here are the top five Bibles for kids available today.

The Beginner's Bible by Henley Karyn

This is the perfect new Bible for younger children that are just learning about Jesus for the first time.  Kids must make their own decision to accept Jesus as their Lord and personal Savior, but a fun Bible with vibrant photos and art is a great way to introduce children to the teachings of Jesus.  This Bible won the 2006 Retailers Choice award for nonfiction children's books. The Bible includes many illustrations and over 90 stories that will be easy for kids to review.  Young children are captivated with all the beautiful art, and they can learn about Jesus even before they know how to read!  Of all of the Bibles for kids you can purchase today, this is probably my favorite Scripture. 

Day By Day Bible by Reeves Eira

One of the biggest challenges for youth and adults is in staying disciplined in reading the word on a daily basis.  The day by day Bible is a great tool for helping children get into a disciplined habit of reading the Scriptures every day.  If we teach our children to study the Scriptures when they are young, they will be much better off as they get older!  It is never too early to teach your kids to study the Scriptures. 

ICB Compact Kids Bible – Pink Camo-Imitation Leather from the Intern Child Bible Company

Some kids think that the Bible is boring and not for them.  You may want to try purchasing a cool Bible that your child will love!  This pink camo Bible is perfect for girls who are into fashion.  You can take it anywhere you want, and it is very flexible.   It is one of the top selling Bibles on the market today. 

King James Version Study Bible for Boys from Baker Books

This is another great Bible you can buy for boys who want to have a cool Bible!  This Bible includes devotions and study notes to help boys learn the different books of the Bible.  It also details the daily lives of Biblical characters in Bible times.  In addition, it challenges boys to make good decisions about values and to dress appropriately.

NIV Childrens Illustrated Bible from Zondervan Bibles

This illustrated Bible is full color presentation pages, and it has a beautiful illustrated cover.  While it has illustrations, it is designed for older children ages 8 and older.  The NIV version is the most popular English translation in the world today, so your child will have the same translation of the Scriptures that most people have. 

These are just some of the many Scriptures you can give to your kids today.  There are many Bibles for kids that are perfect for introducing children to the love of Jesus!

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