Business & Finance Blogging

Building Your Proven Marketing System: 5 Steps to Blog Marketing Success

I must have heard it a thousand times...
"Our proven marketing system works on autopilot.
Just sign up, and the world is your oyster.
" Yeah, I think the same guy that said that sold the Brooklyn Bridge to my brother-in-law.
So, here is the truth about the so-called "proven marketing systems," and how you can employ a simple five step system to achieve blog marketing success--they all take time and effort to build, tweak, and maintain.
That said, there are marketing systems out there that can make you money, virtually on autopilot-and these proven marketing systems can help you build profitable blogs offering both affiliate marketing products, coaching, and network marketing opportunities.
So, what is the catch? The catch is that you have to be willing to do the work to build your system.
It is like that peasant guy in the story, The Parable of the Pipeline, by Burke Hedges.
There was no way he was ever going to make a dime hauling water to his village until he built the pipeline and made it work.
But when the water started flowing, he was "instantly" wealthy.
The same principles impacting the success of our peasant pipeline builder are at work in your blog marketing.
Simply put, you have to build your system before you can expect them to come.
In this case, your proven marketing system consists of blog content that attracts organic search traffic based on your keyword focused articles.
Once on your site, your readers will be exposed to valuable information relevant to your niche and their needs, as well as opportunities to join your email list.
So, if you are looking for a proven marketing system, and you're tired of the garbage, the run around, and the outright hype, here are five steps you can follow: 1.
Decide you want to build an online business 2.
Choose a business model that suits you (network marketing, affiliate marketing) 3.
Select a traffic solution (blogging, paid advertising, video marketing) 4.
Drive all traffic to your lead capture page 5.
Build a list and serve the needs of that list.
That is a proven marketing system in a nutshell.
Do not get distracted by all the fancy bells and whistles.
And don't lose sight of the key objective, which is to drive traffic to a lead capture page, and serve the needs of your subscribers with relevant information, advice, and product recommendations.

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