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Alcohol Related Convictions: Ignition Interlock System

In Ontario, a person convicted of impaired driving must have an ignition interlock system installed in the vehicle they drive after their license is reinstated. After your first conviction, you will lose your license for a year.

The interlock device must be installed in the vehicle for a period of at least one year. After the year expires, drivers must apply to the Ministry of Transportation to have the device removed. During the year it is installed, you must use it, and you must not miss appointments to have the device inspected. In Ontario, the devices are set so that you cannot start the vehicle if the device detects a blood alcohol level of 0.02 or more.

After the car has been started, the device will require that the driver blow into it at random times throughout their trip. This is to prevent someone else from blowing into the device in order to start the car.

The cost of installing the device and having it maintained through the year will be about $2,000.00.

If you just want to make a quick run to the bank, you will need to use the device. After completing your business at the bank, you will need to blow into it again to start your vehicle to return home. You will probably be sitting in a parking lot in view of other people who will be able to observe you blowing into it and they will know you have been convicted of an alcohol related offense.

In Ontario, the ignition interlock devices are made by Guardian Interlock Service.

You could of course save yourself the trouble by not ever drinking before driving. But if you do have a few social drinks, why not find out first whether you are over the blood alcohol legal limit?

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