How do I Decorate for a Tinkerbell Birthday Party?
- 1). Choose a color scheme. Pink, purple, yellow and chartreuse (Tinkerbell's characteristic shade of green) are ideal for this party. Gather and purchase party items that match this color scheme, such as plates, cups, cutlery, tablecloths, balloons and streamers.
- 2). Hang white Christmas lights around your yard and walkway leading to your door. If there are trees and shrubs near your door, hang small bags of gumdrops from the trees. Hang a sign on your front door that reads, "Welcome to Neverland!"
- 3). Hang balloons, streamers and white Christmas lights everywhere you can in the general party area.
- 4). Cover tables with plastic tablecloths. Run a length of pink, purple or chartreuse tulle fabric along tables and cover chairs with the fabric. Hang balloons from the chairs and sprinkle tables with sequins or confetti in pink, purple, gold and chartreuse.
- 5). Create a canopy over the food table by taking a long length of tulle fabric and hang it from the ceiling directly over the table, draping it around the sides.
- 6). Purchase large, colorful artificial flowers and plastic butterflies to place on tables, hang from chairs and on walls and to place anywhere else it looks appropriate. If you have artificial trees in your home, cover them with white lights and hang gumdrop bags from those, as well.
- 7). Gather groups of fairy wands and stick them into colorful vases on tables to use as centerpieces on tables. It sets a fairy mood and the kids can play with the wands later on.