Health & Medical Eating & Food

How to Clean Out the Colon With Dietary Fiber

    • 1). Make a listing of high fiber foods. One of the best ways to maintain a clean colon with fiber is to know which foods contain fiber and how much fiber they contain. The Mayo Clinic provides a comprehensive list of foods that contain fiber. Find a link in Resources. Having a list at your disposal not only helps you to choose the right foods, it provides menu options so you won't fall into a rut by eating the same types of foods over and over.

    • 2). Learn the difference between soluble and insoluble fiber. Not all dietary fiber is the same. Soluble fiber needs liquid to help it pass through the colon. It forms a gel and slowly moves through the colon and cleans the nooks and crannies as it passes by. Oat bran, nuts and psyllium husk fall into the soluble category.

      Insoluble fiber helps to move things through the colon quickly. Fruits and vegetables fall into the insoluble fiber category. One type is not better than the other when it comes to cleaning a colon. They are equally important.

    • 3). Slowly increase the fiber content in your diet. Making a radical change in your fiber consumption will lead to bloating and excess gas. To avoid those unwanted side effects, its best to gradually increase your fiber intake.

    • 4). Drink plenty of water. Soluble fiber needs liquids to keep it moving. Eating too much soluble fiber without drinking enough water will lead to constipation.

    • 5). Clean up your diet. Whole grains, fruits and vegetables are ideal for encouraging a healthy colon. If you include meat in your diet, stick with the lean cuts such as chicken, turkey or fish.

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