What Is a Gas Tank Module Assembly?
Thursday, July/04/2024
- The gas tank module assembly aids in the hard acceleration of vehicles and filters out junk that can clog up the carburetor. In the book "Classroom Manual for Automotive Fuels and Emissions," author Barry Hollembeak writes, "The fuel pump module assembly incorporates the fuel pump, fuel filter, fuel gauge sending unit, and fuel temperature sensor (if used) in a single assembly."
- The fuel tank pickup tube isn't always a part of the module assembly. When it is, it is attached by a fuel line. Its job is to pick up dirt, grime, rust and water before they clog up the fuel tank filter, causing the car to sputter along.
- Inside of the tank are liquid vapor separators that also stop liquid fuel from invading the engine crankcase. It also stops liquid fuel from entering the area in which fuel vapors are stored. Fuel vapors are ignited, causing the combustion that actually powers the car.
Fuel System
Gas Tank Pickup Tube
Liquid Vapor Separator
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