Types of Ice Cube Trays
- Ice cube trays come in a variety of materials and styles.ice cube tray image by Karin Lau from Fotolia.com
Ice cube trays came into being with the advent of home refrigerators and freezers of the 1920s and 1930s. The first ice trays were metal, usually aluminum or steel, with a removable lever that was used to crack the ice and separate the cubes. As of 2010, ice cube trays are made with many materials and come in a variety of shapes, colors and styles. - A savvy shopper can buy vintage aluminum trays with the removable cube separator. These trays are sturdy and last a long time. It can be difficult removing the ice cubes from the trays, as it takes a certain dexterity and strength to move the cube separator and crack the ice in the tray.
- Steel ice cube trays are an attractive choice for mothers who freeze their breast milk for babymother and baby drinking breast-milk image by hans slegers from Fotolia.com
Stainless steel ice cube trays are also available, though they are more expensive than the aluminum. Steel trays are long-lasting and durable. While aluminum trays are lighter, steel is slightly more flexible making it easier to remove the cubes. With stainless steel there are no worries of any chemicals or minerals leaching into the water from the materials, which make them an attractive choice for mothers who freeze their breast milk for babies. - Light, flexible and easy to use, plastic trays are the least expensive choice of tray although they do not last very long and are subject to breaking and cracking. They may pose a health problem. According to "Scientific American," chemicals such as BPA leach into water from plastic consumer items, such as water and baby bottles.
- Silicone ice cube trays have some attractive qualities. They are chemically inert, so no chemical leaching occurs. They are flexible, won't crack and are less subject to breakage. Hundreds of different shapes are available, from skulls and bones, to the pi symbol, from princess wands to penguins, bullets and legos. Silicone trays are more expensive than plastic, but less expensive than metal ice cube trays.
- Ice cube trays of FDA-approved recycled rubber also come in a variety of shapes and colors. Rubber is unbreakable, and bends without losing its shape. Rubber trays cost less than metal or silicone trays, but are more expensive than plastic.