Health & Medical Heart Diseases

How To Reduce Bad Cholesterol Without Medications

Even without an existing heart problem or a family history of heart diseases, there is always a good reason to find out how to reduce bad cholesterol.
Young that you are, you may think that you are on the peak of health, yet you cannot be too complacent, either, because high cholesterol levels can start to increase around this time, so says a number of experts on heart health.
In fact, many heart specialists recommend regular screening for cholesterol once you have reached the age of 20.
For people who are at higher risk for developing heart diseases, such as those who are obese, living a sedentary and unhealthy lifestyle, making unwise wood choices, and with family history of heart problems, monitoring should be done once a year or once every two years.
Otherwise, once every five years should be ideal.
A bad cholesterol reading that is above 100 is not at all good, but you can reduce it to an acceptable level quite easily, and the best thing, you may not even need to go on medications just yet.
Yes, there are natural approaches on how to reduce bad cholesterol, but you need commitment and an open mind to ensure the success of these natural means.
First thing you must do in order to reduce high cholesterol is to set a goal.
Beginning any activity with a sound goal is a great way to keep yourself motivated and help you on the right track.
Make your goal as specific as possible.
You cannot simply say you want your bad cholesterol levels down.
You must have a time frame as well.
For instance write your goal this way, " Bad cholesterol levels within normal levels after one month".
This ought to keep you up on your feet all the time.
Already with a goal, you can now proceed with the next step to reduce your cholesterol levels, that is to eat right.
Indeed, making wise food choices can significantly bring down high cholesterol levels while increasing the good ones.
So what are the best foods to consume in this case? Foods that are rich in fiber are highly recommended because fiber works like a sponge in the digestive system, absorbing the bad cholesterol.
Good sources of fiber are whole grains, barley, beans, oats, fruits and vegetables.
Eating food products or supplements with psyllium fiber is also a good way to reduce bad cholesterol.
If you are eating these foods, you must avoid including saturated fat in your diet as well because according to many studies, saturated fat is one of the identified culprits that bring up bad cholesterol levels.
Keep yourself from fried foods whenever possible.
If you absolutely have to fry your foods, use canola oil instead, or better, olive oil.
It's also a good idea to take fish oil supplements and other products that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
It is widely known that Omega-3 fatty acids contribute greatly to heart health.
Last but not least, have a good amount of exercise regularly.

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