Does Cheese Clog Arteries?
You might find it weird to ask such a question, however, does cheese clog arteries? This may not be an age old question, but it is one of the questions you should be keen on asking, especially if you're a cheese person and you love to eat cheese.
Cheese is undoubtedly a dairy product and it is a well known fact that dairy products are rich in fats, cholesterol and calcium.
These three components could very well lead you to your early grave.
The cholesterol in the cheese could lead to high cholesterol levels in the blood which could further lead to several heart conditions and systemic effects.
When the cholesterol levels are increased, it has the tendency to stick to the walls of the arteries.
This might not pose as a sort of danger, but the body sends calcium to heal the damaged artery.
However, it does not heal the artery, instead, the calcium adds up to the already accumulated cholesterol on the arterial wall.
These two to pile up and build up over time that they cause the arterial opening to narrow, which causes less blood flow to the vital parts of the body.
Not only that, these could also cause the arteries to harden up.
If you continue to keep your diet full of cholesterol and calcium, that is what could possibly happen to your blood vessels.
Has your question, does cheese clog arteries, been answered? If it hasn't yet, here are other points that need to be undertaken and emphasized.
All the things that make cheese bad and dangerous to your health are also the same ones that could keep you healthy.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is innate in the body.
It is actually produced by the liver and it is even present in the whole body, especially the brain.
As a matter of fact, the brain has a blood-brain barrier which only allows fat-soluble vitamins and essential amino and fatty acids to pass through.
Cholesterol is also important as it serves the body several other functions.
Fatty tissues help provide framework and structure to the vital organs of the body as it serves to protect these organs from bumping into bones.
Calcium is also essential to the body as it is what makes the bones of the body stronger and less prone to damage and breakage.
Calcium also is essential for the body's muscles, especially to the heart's muscles.
When calcium is at the normal levels, the normal functioning of the body could go on, if it is disrupted, it could cause several things.
Cheese is undoubtedly a dairy product and it is a well known fact that dairy products are rich in fats, cholesterol and calcium.
These three components could very well lead you to your early grave.
The cholesterol in the cheese could lead to high cholesterol levels in the blood which could further lead to several heart conditions and systemic effects.
When the cholesterol levels are increased, it has the tendency to stick to the walls of the arteries.
This might not pose as a sort of danger, but the body sends calcium to heal the damaged artery.
However, it does not heal the artery, instead, the calcium adds up to the already accumulated cholesterol on the arterial wall.
These two to pile up and build up over time that they cause the arterial opening to narrow, which causes less blood flow to the vital parts of the body.
Not only that, these could also cause the arteries to harden up.
If you continue to keep your diet full of cholesterol and calcium, that is what could possibly happen to your blood vessels.
Has your question, does cheese clog arteries, been answered? If it hasn't yet, here are other points that need to be undertaken and emphasized.
All the things that make cheese bad and dangerous to your health are also the same ones that could keep you healthy.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance that is innate in the body.
It is actually produced by the liver and it is even present in the whole body, especially the brain.
As a matter of fact, the brain has a blood-brain barrier which only allows fat-soluble vitamins and essential amino and fatty acids to pass through.
Cholesterol is also important as it serves the body several other functions.
Fatty tissues help provide framework and structure to the vital organs of the body as it serves to protect these organs from bumping into bones.
Calcium is also essential to the body as it is what makes the bones of the body stronger and less prone to damage and breakage.
Calcium also is essential for the body's muscles, especially to the heart's muscles.
When calcium is at the normal levels, the normal functioning of the body could go on, if it is disrupted, it could cause several things.