Health & Medical Hypertension

Naturally Lower Blood Pressure

Caffeine Caffeine which is a popular social thing will be a tough one to change or adjust.
Whole businesses are built around this concept but luckily we have alternatives to caffeine.
Caffeine does not affect everybody the same way.
You will be able to tell by how you feel after taking a cup of coffee.
Hot flushes or headaches etc would be signs for you to reduce your caffeine consumption.
Do not panic these affects are more short term.
Limit caffeine intake to 1 cup per day (250 ml or 8 oz), do not consume before activities such as exercise, physical labor and sex as these activities naturally increase your BP.
You do have caffeine free options for coffee and tea.
Even green teas have caffeine but you have caffeine free options there as well.
Ultimately water is the best liquid to drink as your body needs a certain amount of water to perform the daily detox functions.
Oooh what a big topic! But lets chunk it down a little for you.
If you have a weight problem then 7 out of 10 of you have BP problems.
Diet was very likely a big factor.
Eat more vegetables, you should increase to 4 servings per day, which is the palm of your hand per serving.
Mix up the colors as well and try to have green, yellow and red for a meal.
A quick cheat would be to have some of that awful tasting V8 juice (not mixed with fruit for better taste type).
The best on the market in my opinion.
Fruit (NOT fruit juice) as the fibre and skin in the fruit also have all the good stuff in them, (would not recommend eating pineapple skin though!) use common sense.
It also provides the good sugars that keep insulin levels stable and blood pressure down.
Water intake must go up to at least 5 glasses per day (cup = glass = 250ml = 8 oz).
Spread it out so , for example when you awaken have 1 glass, then after breakfast another, then before lunch another, before dinner an finally before bedtime.
Voila! 5 cups done.
In conclusion to naturally lowering your blood pressure 1)Reduce to 1 cup per day or eliminate caffeine with caffeine free products 2)Modify your eating habits and include more fresh stuff that grows! 3)Drink more water for your bodies daily detox needs

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