Health & Medical Hypertension

Did You Know That High Blood Pressure Affects Tendons And Joints?

It is estimated that almost 75 million people in the United States over 20 years of age suffer from hypertension.
What is even more shocking is that only about 70% of those with hypertension actually know that they have it.
This represents a huge risk for the health of the nation as high blood pressure often leads to much more serious or even fatal health problems such as heart or kidney disease.
This much is well known but there are other health hazards associated with hypertension that are much less recognized.
This includes damage to tendons and joints, conditions that can be extremely painful for sufferers of hypertension.
The force of the blood that is pumped through our arteries when our hearts beat is called systolic blood pressure.
Diastolic pressure is the term used for the force exerted when our heart is at rest.
When we say that a person suffers from hypertension it indicates that an adult has systolic blood pressure of 140mmHg or more and/or diastolic pressure of 90 mmHg or more.
It also means that, by definition, having high blood pressure means that the heart is working harder to pump blood through the body.
The poor circulation that results can cause problems in the extremities, particularly the legs.
As blood supply to tendons and joints is compromised cholesterol can accumulate, which causes inflammation.
Tendonitis of the Achilles heel, the long tendon at the back of the ankle, is one example of inflammation that can originate in this way.
High blood pressure also damages joints by afflicting other organs such as the kidneys.
When the kidneys become diseased through hypertension it can result in a slow buildup of uric acid, which fails to get flushed from the system due to weak kidneys and poor circulation.
This in turn leads to accumulation of uric in the joints and causes inflammation.
Joint damage is very difficult to reverse but there are many things you can do to prevent it.
Obviously, the best strategy is a healthy lifestyle that will help you to avoid high blood pressure.
Excess weight is especially to be avoided as it contributes not only to high blood pressure but also to direct damage of the joints due to the extra stresses and strains of living with too many pounds.
Probably the most important aspect of lifestyle to correct this problemis exercise.
The right kind of exercise helps to lower blood pressure while also reducing weight and strengthening muscles that help to support and protect the joints.
Moderate exercise such as brisk walking, hiking, swimming and light gym work is the best approach.
Strenuous forms of exercise such as running and heavy weightlifting should avoided both for their risk of damage to the joints and because they can actually increase your blood pressure.
Protect and preserve your joints by watching your blood pressure and getting the right type of exercise.

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