Teenage Girl Games for Slumber Parties
- Slumber party games are fun for teenage girls.party cup ctreamers and party banners image by Warren Millar from <a href='http://www.fotolia.com'>Fotolia.com</a>
A slumber party is ideal for teenage girls because it gives them plenty of time to listen to music, talk about boys and surf the Internet together. But consider giving them something new to do and plan a few slumber party games. The games are sure to have the girls giggling and remembering this party for a long time to come. - Play hide and seek at a teenage girl slumber party, but make it a little bit more difficult. One girl hides somewhere in the house or outside and takes a cell phone with her. The other girls begin looking for her. Every few minutes she calls the house phone, or a designated cell phone, with a clue about where the girls can find her.
- This game is a takeoff on spin the bottle. Have a basket filled with different colors of fingernail polish. One person begins the game by selecting a shade of polish from the basket. She spins the bottle and whoever it is pointing at has to paint one fingernail in that shade. Then she selects another color and spins it. It's best if you choose some funky nail polish colors, such as green or blue, to place in the basket.
- This is a great game for a group of girls who are obsessed with a celebrity. Find a large poster photo of a celebrity the girls like. Then give each girl a different shade of lipstick. Blindfold each girl one by one and let her kiss the poster. The girl who kisses the poster closest to the celebrity's lips wins. You can let her take home the poster.
- Designate one room in your house as the dressing room. Fill it with all kinds of funky clothes. One by one, have the girls go into the room and put on the craziest outfit they can, dressing in only 90 seconds. Have three adults judge the contest by holding up cards with numbers 1 through 10 on them. This game is sure to inspire a lot of laughs.