Keep Your Snoring Problems in Check
Snoring is an annoying problem that has no definite cure and straight answers, therefore many will simply leave it uncheck and unattended, however doing so can have adverse effects on your health! This is because snoring could be an indication or an onset for a bigger health problem like the snoring apnea, where one stop breathing for a short period of time throughout the night, and for more than one occasion! So it is a good idea to get your snoring under control to allow you and your sleeping partner better sleep at night, so that both of you can wake up feeling fresher and ready for the day ahead.
What most experts agreed on snoring is that it is caused by some sort of blockage within your breathing area, and thus your brain compensate it by using your mouth to supply you with that extra oxygen.
Doing so can leave the soft palate at the back of your tongue to vibrate, and in turn producing those loud snoring sound.
The worst part is there is not way to pinpoint what is causing a block unless you go through extensive and expensive sleep diagnosis, so here are some common precaution people take to handle their snoring problems:
What most experts agreed on snoring is that it is caused by some sort of blockage within your breathing area, and thus your brain compensate it by using your mouth to supply you with that extra oxygen.
Doing so can leave the soft palate at the back of your tongue to vibrate, and in turn producing those loud snoring sound.
The worst part is there is not way to pinpoint what is causing a block unless you go through extensive and expensive sleep diagnosis, so here are some common precaution people take to handle their snoring problems:
- Sleeping on your side - While sleeping on your back does not cause you to snore, it increases the chances of you snoring.
So the best way to prevent it is by sleeping on your side, so that your tongue would not fall into the throat during your sleep and causing the block. - Elevate your head - When you sleep tonight, try to sleep with an extra pillow underneath your head, creating a 30 degress angle, this can help promote airflow into your nasal breathing pathway, and thus reducing the need for you to use your mouth to breathe at night.
- Exercise regularly - Not only it can be good for blood circulation and your general well being, exercising areas with excess fats, especially around the neck area can reduce the chances of you snoring.
It's been said that obesity is directly linked to snoring, and thus if you can cut down the amount of fatty tissues around the neck area, you'll be literally giving yourself more breathing space.