Pharyngeal Chlamydia and Genital Gonorrhea in ED Patients
Pharyngeal Chlamydia and Genital Gonorrhea in ED Patients
Over a 9-month period, 653 individuals were approached and 493 (75.4%) agreed to participate. Participants included 301 women and 192 men; had a mean age of 25.2 years (SD 4.9); were 65.7% white patients and 33.3% black patients; 90.5% were sexually active in the past year and 53.3% were currently married, in a civil union or in a serious relationship exceeding 6 months (Table 1). There were 104 female and 56 male non-participants with a mean age of 26.1 years and were 75.6% white patients and 23.8% black patients. Gender, age and racial distributions insignificantly differed between participants and non-participants. Thirty-eight individuals were infected with CT and/or GC at any site (CTany/GCany) for a tested population prevalence of 7.7%. All 38 individuals were successfully treated by the LHD. Table 1 describes infection by anatomical site and significant differences by age, gender and race by any infection. Web-only Table 1 lists the sexual history questionnaire variables with their full wording and response rate by gender.
There were 10 individuals infected orally, four with CToral (two each men and women) and another six with GCoral (four men and two women). Those orally infected were no more likely to report "You have sex with:_____" any same sex partners (1 (10.0%) vs 26 (5.5%) of those not orally infected); sexual activity in the past 12 months with any same sex partners (1 (11.1%) vs 38 (9.3%)) or providing any same sex oral sex (1 (20.0%) vs 34 (8.8%%) and none presented with a throat or genitourinary complaint (vs 12 (2.5%) and 38 (7.9%), respectively). Significant univariate associations with oral infection include having a friend with a sexually transmitted disease (4 (44.4%) vs 76 (15.8%); OR=4.25; CI 1.12 to 16.20); reporting anonymous sex in the past year (4 (40.0%) vs 50 (10.4%); OR=5.77; CI 1.58 to 21.15); perception of at least some chance of oral infection (3 (30.0%) thinking chance greater than 'not at all' vs 36 (7.5%); OR=5.29; CI 1.31 to 21.28); having two or more partners (any gender) in the past year (8 (80%) vs 182 (39.3%); OR=6.17, CI 1.30 to 29.41); any reported 'swinging' or group sex (4 (40.0%) vs 33 (7.0%); OR=8.91; CI 2.40 to 33.14); younger age (9 (3.5%) vs 262 (54.2%); OR=7.59; CI 0.95 to 60.39); not married or in a relationship exceeding 6 months (9 (90.0%) vs 218 (45.4%); OR=10.87, CI 1.36 to 83.33) and race (white patients/black patients/Hispanics orally infected at 5 (1.5%)/4 (2.4%)/1 (20.0%), respectively; p=0.013). Multivariate logistic regression models were examined but not found to be informative or significantly predictive.
Over a 9-month period, 653 individuals were approached and 493 (75.4%) agreed to participate. Participants included 301 women and 192 men; had a mean age of 25.2 years (SD 4.9); were 65.7% white patients and 33.3% black patients; 90.5% were sexually active in the past year and 53.3% were currently married, in a civil union or in a serious relationship exceeding 6 months (Table 1). There were 104 female and 56 male non-participants with a mean age of 26.1 years and were 75.6% white patients and 23.8% black patients. Gender, age and racial distributions insignificantly differed between participants and non-participants. Thirty-eight individuals were infected with CT and/or GC at any site (CTany/GCany) for a tested population prevalence of 7.7%. All 38 individuals were successfully treated by the LHD. Table 1 describes infection by anatomical site and significant differences by age, gender and race by any infection. Web-only Table 1 lists the sexual history questionnaire variables with their full wording and response rate by gender.
There were 10 individuals infected orally, four with CToral (two each men and women) and another six with GCoral (four men and two women). Those orally infected were no more likely to report "You have sex with:_____" any same sex partners (1 (10.0%) vs 26 (5.5%) of those not orally infected); sexual activity in the past 12 months with any same sex partners (1 (11.1%) vs 38 (9.3%)) or providing any same sex oral sex (1 (20.0%) vs 34 (8.8%%) and none presented with a throat or genitourinary complaint (vs 12 (2.5%) and 38 (7.9%), respectively). Significant univariate associations with oral infection include having a friend with a sexually transmitted disease (4 (44.4%) vs 76 (15.8%); OR=4.25; CI 1.12 to 16.20); reporting anonymous sex in the past year (4 (40.0%) vs 50 (10.4%); OR=5.77; CI 1.58 to 21.15); perception of at least some chance of oral infection (3 (30.0%) thinking chance greater than 'not at all' vs 36 (7.5%); OR=5.29; CI 1.31 to 21.28); having two or more partners (any gender) in the past year (8 (80%) vs 182 (39.3%); OR=6.17, CI 1.30 to 29.41); any reported 'swinging' or group sex (4 (40.0%) vs 33 (7.0%); OR=8.91; CI 2.40 to 33.14); younger age (9 (3.5%) vs 262 (54.2%); OR=7.59; CI 0.95 to 60.39); not married or in a relationship exceeding 6 months (9 (90.0%) vs 218 (45.4%); OR=10.87, CI 1.36 to 83.33) and race (white patients/black patients/Hispanics orally infected at 5 (1.5%)/4 (2.4%)/1 (20.0%), respectively; p=0.013). Multivariate logistic regression models were examined but not found to be informative or significantly predictive.