Kindness Pays
Kindness Pays
Growing up we all had to at one point or another have dealt with someone or something that just rubbed us the wrong way. Whether it was a class bully or something someone did something that really offended us. Even though we were young, those memories stick with us and no matter how hard a person tries, forgetting about those times can be difficult because at that moment in our lives, we in some small way changed the way we think and feel about other people. At that time we realized that kindness is not something that should be overlooked.
Kindness is something that can bring happiness into our lives. It may sound strange, but small acts of kindness can both change the way other people look at us, and even more important the way we feel about other people. What I mean to say is that as we are kind to others, even people who we may not appreciate, we can learn to see them from a different perspective.
Kindness can bring opportunities into our lives. As you treat other people the way you would like to be treated, it may open up doors for you in your personal and professional life. Job interviews can run smoother, people will want to be around you, and success can easily follow. It's a trait that can be contagious and it's definitely not hard to do.
Marriages can become closer and kindness is displayed on a daily basis. There are thousands of different ways to show this type of love in a family and each and every one of those acts will pay off in a different manner. Sometimes it's those things that may seem like they have gone unnoticed but have actually helped someone in a small way that can bring the most results.
Kindness is such a simple trait to learn. Our parents have taught us, we learn it in school, and we can see it in small ways in everything that we do.
Growing up we all had to at one point or another have dealt with someone or something that just rubbed us the wrong way. Whether it was a class bully or something someone did something that really offended us. Even though we were young, those memories stick with us and no matter how hard a person tries, forgetting about those times can be difficult because at that moment in our lives, we in some small way changed the way we think and feel about other people. At that time we realized that kindness is not something that should be overlooked.
Kindness is something that can bring happiness into our lives. It may sound strange, but small acts of kindness can both change the way other people look at us, and even more important the way we feel about other people. What I mean to say is that as we are kind to others, even people who we may not appreciate, we can learn to see them from a different perspective.
Kindness can bring opportunities into our lives. As you treat other people the way you would like to be treated, it may open up doors for you in your personal and professional life. Job interviews can run smoother, people will want to be around you, and success can easily follow. It's a trait that can be contagious and it's definitely not hard to do.
Marriages can become closer and kindness is displayed on a daily basis. There are thousands of different ways to show this type of love in a family and each and every one of those acts will pay off in a different manner. Sometimes it's those things that may seem like they have gone unnoticed but have actually helped someone in a small way that can bring the most results.
Kindness is such a simple trait to learn. Our parents have taught us, we learn it in school, and we can see it in small ways in everything that we do.