Displaying Twitter Updates on Facebook Pages: How to Do It?
Are you a devoted Twitter user? If yes, then you must be extremely keen to share your twitter updates with all your friends and acquaintances.
This can be easily done on Facebook, if the Facebook pages have the Twitter application installed on it.
Using the application, your Facebook friends will stay updated with most recent posts on Twitter.
Let us find out how to carry out the process.
First, log into your personal Twitter account.
Take your cursor to the 'Settings' option (3rd option of the Feature section starting from the right hand side) and click on it.
This click will open the page with account management applications.
Now, scroll down towards the section described as: 'Learn More' and click on it.
Here, you will come across the option that will allow you to add Twitter to a site.
Next, click on the link with Twitter badge.
This link is hyperlinked as: 'you can add Twitter to your website here'.
Once you click the link, you will be headed towards the Twitter badges page.
Select the 'Facebook' option [the 3rd option from the top].
You'll have to click on the radio button for visiting the page with Facebook apps.
This should be followed by a scroll down towards the page's bottom.
Click on the button having the label: 'Install Twitter to Facebook'.
Once all these are done, you will be navigated to your Facebook login screen; there will be a Twitter logo on the top of the page.
Sign into the Facebook account for initiating the installation procedure.
You will have to allow Twitter to proceed with the installation by clicking on the 'allow' option.
Facebook will ask for your Twitter login details.
This will authorize Twitter to access your Facebook pages.
If you complete all these steps successfully, you will find a box identical to the Twitter update box on your Facebook page.
This shows that the installation process is completed successfully.
This can be easily done on Facebook, if the Facebook pages have the Twitter application installed on it.
Using the application, your Facebook friends will stay updated with most recent posts on Twitter.
Let us find out how to carry out the process.
First, log into your personal Twitter account.
Take your cursor to the 'Settings' option (3rd option of the Feature section starting from the right hand side) and click on it.
This click will open the page with account management applications.
Now, scroll down towards the section described as: 'Learn More' and click on it.
Here, you will come across the option that will allow you to add Twitter to a site.
Next, click on the link with Twitter badge.
This link is hyperlinked as: 'you can add Twitter to your website here'.
Once you click the link, you will be headed towards the Twitter badges page.
Select the 'Facebook' option [the 3rd option from the top].
You'll have to click on the radio button for visiting the page with Facebook apps.
This should be followed by a scroll down towards the page's bottom.
Click on the button having the label: 'Install Twitter to Facebook'.
Once all these are done, you will be navigated to your Facebook login screen; there will be a Twitter logo on the top of the page.
Sign into the Facebook account for initiating the installation procedure.
You will have to allow Twitter to proceed with the installation by clicking on the 'allow' option.
Facebook will ask for your Twitter login details.
This will authorize Twitter to access your Facebook pages.
If you complete all these steps successfully, you will find a box identical to the Twitter update box on your Facebook page.
This shows that the installation process is completed successfully.