Business & Finance Social Media

Social Networking Throughout the 2000"s Decade

Big social networking sites like Facebook.
com, MySpace.
com, Friendster.
com, etc.
share all one thing in common.
They let the user choose what they want to do.
This aspect of letting the user change their picture, personal information, contacts, and connecting with friends, brings the website a lot of unique users.
Over time, all of these big social network sites have been becoming bigger and stronger.
However, they have been battling between each other of who is the best social networking site.
Since this past year, Facebook.
com has been superior to any social website that ever existed.
Before all the MySpace hype, Facebook started out very small in 2004, but they made big changes to get to the top.
This change all started out with web development and security.
These two things made Facebook of what they are today.
These two things made MySpace look like an ant.
But importantly, these two things have changed how people view social networking.
The year 2009 has made Facebook.
com the most popular social networking site, and nothing seems to be slowing them down.
A very important lesson must be learned from this prime example, and that is Facebook changed to how the world changes.
MySpace stood stagnant, and that is why they lost most of their unique members to Facebook.
Sadly, MySpace has not caught on, and they're still at the bottom of the chain.
The lesson is simple, but even the biggest social networking sites like MySpace hasn't learned it, which is pretty unfortunately.
Remember, do what you think is best, and take advantage of every opportunity you get.

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