Travel & Places Hunting/Shooting

What Equipment Is Used for Fox Hunting?


    • Specific equipment is worn by those hunting the fox for safety and historic reasons. Riding helmets are always worn for protection, while black leather riding boots, breeches, a hunting coat, a shirt and a tie are worn by riders for protection from the weather and to conform to tradition.


    • The most important piece of equipment is the pack of hounds--after all, they hunt the fox. There are three breeds of hunting hounds: English, American and the crossbreed. The hounds are owned by either a private individual or a hunting club.


    • The master of the hounds blows a horn to control the pack with different types of calls.


    • Horses used during a hunt are thoroughbreds, which are usually crossed with larger varieties of horses for improved endurance and height.


    • Riders not taking part in the hunt who follow the main hunters have a separate dress code to the main pack with black coats worn instead of red to signify position.

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