Hemorrhoids Home Remedy Review
If you've tried more then one type of hemorrhoid home remedy, then you realize the differences between them.
I will review each of the most popular types of hemorrhoid home remedies there are and tell you why they do or do not work.
Creams The most popular home remedy is the application of creams like Preparation-H to the external hemorrhoids.
The most effective creams are those that contain Hydrocortizone in a 1% solution.
Hydrocortizone is a steroid the reduces the swelling of the hemorrhoidal tissues.
This hemorrhoids home remedy has two major draw backs.
The first is that Hydrocortizone is not recommended for long periods of time and the second is that these creams do nothing to stop the re-occurrence of hemorrhoidal flare ups.
Suppositories Also popular are suppositories which are inserted into the rectum to lubricate and moisturize the hemorrhoidal tissues.
This type of hemorrhoids home remedy is uncomfortable to administer and doesn't help the problem for some people.
It also does nothing to correct the root cause of the hemorrhoid problem.
Pills This is the most dangerous hemorrhoids home remedy since these pills are designed to shrink all of your bodies blood vessels.
It is a sort of shotgun approach, shrink all of the blood vessels in your body and you shrink the ones in your hemorrhoidal tissues.
The big downside of this is its possible effects on your blood pressure.
It could increase your chances of heart attack and stroke.
Besides these three hemorrhoids home remedy options there is surgery but most medical experts and hemorrhoid suffers will tell you that surgery often just complicates things and is very unpleasant.
Natural Cures And Remedies There are great natural remedies that can be used to address the root causes of your hemorrhoidal problems.
These remedies are less invasive and more effective than the traditional remedies.
I will review each of the most popular types of hemorrhoid home remedies there are and tell you why they do or do not work.
Creams The most popular home remedy is the application of creams like Preparation-H to the external hemorrhoids.
The most effective creams are those that contain Hydrocortizone in a 1% solution.
Hydrocortizone is a steroid the reduces the swelling of the hemorrhoidal tissues.
This hemorrhoids home remedy has two major draw backs.
The first is that Hydrocortizone is not recommended for long periods of time and the second is that these creams do nothing to stop the re-occurrence of hemorrhoidal flare ups.
Suppositories Also popular are suppositories which are inserted into the rectum to lubricate and moisturize the hemorrhoidal tissues.
This type of hemorrhoids home remedy is uncomfortable to administer and doesn't help the problem for some people.
It also does nothing to correct the root cause of the hemorrhoid problem.
Pills This is the most dangerous hemorrhoids home remedy since these pills are designed to shrink all of your bodies blood vessels.
It is a sort of shotgun approach, shrink all of the blood vessels in your body and you shrink the ones in your hemorrhoidal tissues.
The big downside of this is its possible effects on your blood pressure.
It could increase your chances of heart attack and stroke.
Besides these three hemorrhoids home remedy options there is surgery but most medical experts and hemorrhoid suffers will tell you that surgery often just complicates things and is very unpleasant.
Natural Cures And Remedies There are great natural remedies that can be used to address the root causes of your hemorrhoidal problems.
These remedies are less invasive and more effective than the traditional remedies.