Taking a Great Self-Portrait
- 1). Setup the backdrop. Great portraits are uncluttered. To focus attention on the face, use a dark backdrop, such as a black or blue sheet. Use thumbtacks to mount the sheet or cloth to a wall. Make sure to avoid any wrinkles in the fabric that will visually interfere with the portrait.
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Use a simple chair for the portrait.Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Position a chair in front of the backdrop. Use a simple chair with a low back so it doesn’t interfere with the portrait. Center the chair 36 inches from the backdrop. - 3). Set up the tripod. Raise the tripod’s height to approximately 5 feet. The tripod should be placed 5 feet away from the chair. Make sure the chair and tripod are facing each other.
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Raise the tripod to a height of 5 feet.Ablestock.com/AbleStock.com/Getty Images
Attach the camera to the tripod. Place the camera on the tripod’s head. Screw the knurled knob on the tripod’s head clockwise to attach the camera to the tripod. - 5). Determine the camera angle. Sit in the chair in front of the backdrop. Remove a small piece of painter’s masking tape from the roll. While still sitting, turn toward the backdrop. Place the piece of masking tape on the back drop to indicate the center of the head.
- 6). Position the camera. Looking through the camera’s view finder, aim the camera lens at the piece of masking tape on the backdrop. This aligns the camera at head level. Tighten the tripod’s controls to hold the camera in place.
- 7). Position the mirror. Without some way of seeing the image, it is impossible to judge facial angles. Therefore, a mirror is used. Place the mirror on a second chair directly in front of the camera. Position the mirror so the masking tape on the backdrop is in the mirror’s center. To check the position of the mirror, kneel down next to the backdrop chair and look into the mirror. If the masking tape is not centered, change the mirror’s angle.
- 8). Set up the lighting. Place two clamp-on lights on either side of the camera. Position the bulb so it is shining toward the chair.
- 9). Take a test photograph. Sit in the chair. Position the head, using the mirror as a guide, into the desired pose. Using a camera remote, take a few sample photographs. Check the results and make any necessary adjustments to the camera angle, head position and lighting.