Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

How to Become a Fashion Photographer in Eight Steps

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      High fashion is one of the many arenas of the industry.BananaStock/BananaStock/Getty Images

      Decide which area of fashion you would like to photograph. The fashion industry is not only ever changing but it is also multifaceted. Fashion photographers might specialize in high fashion, sportswear or swimwear, for example.

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      An SLR is both professional and high in quality.Jupiterimages/ Images

      Purchase a camera, but spend time finding the right camera that works best for your needs. A single lens reflex with both telephoto and normal lenses will give you a variety to shoot with.

    • 3). Practice with the new camera until you are completely familiar with its functions. This includes the aperture and ISO settings, getting to know the zoom and finding out the right way to focus the lenses. At this stage, practicing can include shooting photos of family members or pets, indoors and outdoors. It might help to take courses at a college or community college in your area.

    • 4). Find a studio space. This will give you the opportunity to arrange for clients to come in for photos and a place to continue to practice and work on your craft. Every photographer needs a place to work and meet clients. There are several options, including renting, apprenticing with another photographer or setting up a studio in your home.

    • 5). Compile a professional portfolio that includes samples of your work as a fashion photographer. This will help you begin to advertise yourself. Print business cards complete with name, phone number, email address and studio address. Start attending fashion-based events to pass out your cards and network with people in the industry.

    • 6). Establish an online presence by creating a website and utilizing social media. Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are easy to use, are free sites to show off your work and will give potential clients an opportunity to contact you.

    • 7). Book and complete your first job: You might find work through a modeling agency to do headshots, help a fashion designer with a catalog, or offer your services to a magazine. Be flexible as to whether you will shoot in their studio space or yours. Be respectful to your clients and remember to be punctual.

    • 8). Update your portfolio with each shoot. As the portfolio builds, be picky as to which pieces you include. Any portfolio is always judged by its weakest piece, so include the pieces that show off your skills and best quality of work.

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