Law & Legal & Attorney Children Law

Maryland Child Labor Laws

    Age Restrictions

    • The state of Maryland does not permit children under the age of 14 to work. Performers or entertainers, farm workers, golf caddies, newspaper deliverers, and workers in a family business are exceptions to this rule.

    Work Permits

    • Maryland requires children under age 18 to have a work permit. To obtain the work permit from the state of Maryland, the teen must provide proof of age and have an offer of employment from an employer. Parents or guardians must sign the work permit before it is approved by the state. The employer must have the the work permit in hand before the teen is allowed to begin working.

    Hours of Employment

    • Hours for a teen worker are restricted depending on the age of the child. Children ages 14 and 15 are not allowed to work more than four hours in one day when school is in session. When school is not in session, teens of this age cannot work more than eight hours in one day. The total number of hours a teen can work in a week is restricted to 23 hours during the school week and 40 hours a week during school vacations. A 14- or 15-year-old teen cannot work earlier than 7:00 a.m. or later than 8:00 p.m. The hours can be extended to 9:00 p.m. during the summer vacation.

      The rules for 16- and 17-year-olds teens are more relaxed. Teenagers in this age group can spend a combined 12 hours in school and work. The teenager of this age must have a minimum of eight consecutive hours either not in school or outside of work each day. Teens must have 30 minutes of break time in each five-hour period of work.

    Prohibited Work

    • The U.S. Department of Labor prohibits teens from working in unsafe and hazardous work environments such as construction and manufacturing. Maryland prohibits teens from working near blast furnaces, wharves, electrical wires, toxic chemicals, and railroads. Teens cannot work as pilots, firefighters, or on vessels in Maryland.

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