Health & Medical Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Causes and Treatments

If you are suffering from the pain, burning, itching and the embarrassment associated with hemorrhoids, you are not alone.
Hemorrhoids are a common problem and can affect people of any age at any given time.
They occur when the veins located around the anus and rectum become inflamed and begin to swell.
This can be caused by excessive straining during a bowel movement, standing or sitting for extremely long periods of time, heavy lifting, or from persistent constipation.
The symptoms of hemorrhoids include anal pain or discomfort, bright red blood on stool and toilet paper after a bowel movement, and itching around the anal area.
Depending upon the type of hemorrhoids and the severity, symptoms can be mild or moderate to severe.
Many times symptoms can be treated by a mere change in diet, putting more fiber into one's diet so that bowel movements will be more regular and healthy.
Drinking more water can also help.
Sometimes a dietary change is not enough and medications such as ointments, salves and suppositories are needed to control the itching and pain.
Tub baths of plain hot water 3-4 times daily can also help in bringing relief.
And applying cold packs once symptoms begin can help in flare ups.
Sometimes, in severe cases, which can be down right debilitating; a surgical procedure may be required to relieve the pressure and pain.
There are many over the counter remedies on the market to day.
Some that can provide relief of itching and inflammation.
Some have an anesthetic that can also help with pain.
There are also some very incredible all natural products on the market that have helped people even with very severe cases.
These all natural remedies are not only safe but have proven to be highly effective in treating and alleviating hemorrhoidal symptoms.
So, if hemorrhoids are keeping you from your day to day routine, there is help and you can find relief.
Don't ignore the symptoms; take care of them before they get worse by finding a method of treatment that will work for you.

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