Technology Software

Video: How to Make a Polaroid in Photoshop

Video Transcript

My name is Karl Deutsch. I'm a graphic designer, and this segment is on how to make a Polaroid in Photoshop. Polaroids don't really seem to be around much these days, for various different reasons. But you may find in your design that you want to include something that looks like a Polaroid, but actually comes from a nice, clean, crisp digital image that's taken with today's, or today's technology. This is kind of the finished product. Basically what it is, is it's the image inside with an extended canvas on the outside of it. This is one quick easy way of making Polaroid, making and image appear like it's a Polaroid. Obviously, this image is much crisper. You may need to throw some filters on it or adjust the colors to get it to look a little bit older or not quite the quality, or the exact quality that a Polaroid image is. So, I'm going to go ahead and close this, and open the original image. Oops, sorry. That's not the original. This is the original. Okay. So, as you can see there's no border around it. It's just the image. So, I'm going to go ahead and turn my rulers back on. This is the l and r. The first step is to add the frame around the top right and left side. So, let's see, the image is 4 inches by 4 inches. If I increase that to 4.5, at 4.5, see it adds that frame. So, now that's just an equal amount all the way around. You want to get that heavier border at the bottom. So, going to go ahead back to canvas size, under image menu and change that so it's pushing the image area out on the bottom. So, I want to change the height to 5.5. That adds more image area at the bottom. Now, if that's too much; it looks like a little bit more than what a Polaroid image really is. Let's click on view, go back to canvas size. Instead of 5.5, let's do 5.25. Now, that looks a little bit more like a Polaroid of a plate of lasagna. And now, if you want to adjust the colors of that a little bit, to make is look a little more like a Polaroid, because that just looks way too crisp to be a Polaroid. Go ahead and just select that with your marking tool, the basic simple marking tool. Maybe go to your color adjustments, or your U saturation, and just kind of mess with the colors a little bit, throw the colors off a little, kind of make it a little greener, so it kind of looks like gross lasagna. Sometimes the saturation is blown our and sometimes it's a little less. lighten it. You can really adjust the colors her to make it look a little more like that. And there are filters and all kinds of other things you can use. My name is Karl Deutsch. I'm a graphic designer, and that segment was on how to make a Polaroid in Photoshop.

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