Do You Know The Common Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids also commonly known as piles are very common diseases that afflict millions of people world wide, and in spite of the great advances made in modern medical care there are still many people suffering from this very distressful disease.
However to treat this condition effectively, you first of all have to recognize and diagnose the symptoms very well.
Hemorrhoids are basically, swollen veins of the ano - rectal area of the butt region caused majorly by excessive straining during bowel movements, this causes pressure build up in the anal area leading to the development of hemorrhoid symptoms.
The common symptoms of hemorrhoids are: 1.
Passage of bloody stools: Most people suffering from hemorrhoids will experience a degree of bleeding during bowel movement.
They usually notice the blood on the toilet bowl after the passage of stools or they might see signs of blood on their stool after defecating or they might notice blood stains on the wipe they use to clean up after defecating.
Painless bleeding during defecation is the commonest symptom of hemorrhoids.
Pain: The external variety of hemorrhoids is generally more painful than internal hemorrhoids.
This is because the area of the body outside and around the anal orifice where they are situated is rich in pain sensitive nerves.
The inner wall of the anus is not that well innervated with pain sensitive nerve endings so internal hemorrhoids are not typically painful.
They cause pain only when grow very big and form prolapsed hemorrhoids.
Itching: This is a very embarrassing symptom as this urge for scratching the anus can occur anywhere and at anytime.
The mucous membrane of the swollen veins of hemorrhoids can secrete mucus which causes irritation of the skin around the anus leading to urge to scratch the anal area.
You should however resist the urge to scratch as scratching can cause the hemorrhoid to rupture and bleed, scratching also causes further irritation of the pile veins.
False feeling of incomplete bowel movement: Internal hemorrhoids can be associated with this false feeling of the urge to defecate even when the bowels are empty.
You feel like you want to push out stool, but when you get to the toilet nothing comes out, this symptom is known medically as tenesmus.
These swollen blood vessels on the inner wall of the anus gives a false feeling of blood fullness, the bigger the swelling the more the false urge to defecate.
Visible swellings around the anus: External hemorrhoids can be seen by the naked eyes as external swellings around the anal opening.
If not properly treated, blood clots can form within these external swellings causing the swellings to become extremely painful and bigger.
This condition is known thrombosed external hemorrhoids, when they become thrombosed the pile swellings become blackish in color.
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you most likely have hemorrhoids and you need to start treatment immediately so as to prevent unnecessary complications
However to treat this condition effectively, you first of all have to recognize and diagnose the symptoms very well.
Hemorrhoids are basically, swollen veins of the ano - rectal area of the butt region caused majorly by excessive straining during bowel movements, this causes pressure build up in the anal area leading to the development of hemorrhoid symptoms.
The common symptoms of hemorrhoids are: 1.
Passage of bloody stools: Most people suffering from hemorrhoids will experience a degree of bleeding during bowel movement.
They usually notice the blood on the toilet bowl after the passage of stools or they might see signs of blood on their stool after defecating or they might notice blood stains on the wipe they use to clean up after defecating.
Painless bleeding during defecation is the commonest symptom of hemorrhoids.
Pain: The external variety of hemorrhoids is generally more painful than internal hemorrhoids.
This is because the area of the body outside and around the anal orifice where they are situated is rich in pain sensitive nerves.
The inner wall of the anus is not that well innervated with pain sensitive nerve endings so internal hemorrhoids are not typically painful.
They cause pain only when grow very big and form prolapsed hemorrhoids.
Itching: This is a very embarrassing symptom as this urge for scratching the anus can occur anywhere and at anytime.
The mucous membrane of the swollen veins of hemorrhoids can secrete mucus which causes irritation of the skin around the anus leading to urge to scratch the anal area.
You should however resist the urge to scratch as scratching can cause the hemorrhoid to rupture and bleed, scratching also causes further irritation of the pile veins.
False feeling of incomplete bowel movement: Internal hemorrhoids can be associated with this false feeling of the urge to defecate even when the bowels are empty.
You feel like you want to push out stool, but when you get to the toilet nothing comes out, this symptom is known medically as tenesmus.
These swollen blood vessels on the inner wall of the anus gives a false feeling of blood fullness, the bigger the swelling the more the false urge to defecate.
Visible swellings around the anus: External hemorrhoids can be seen by the naked eyes as external swellings around the anal opening.
If not properly treated, blood clots can form within these external swellings causing the swellings to become extremely painful and bigger.
This condition is known thrombosed external hemorrhoids, when they become thrombosed the pile swellings become blackish in color.
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you most likely have hemorrhoids and you need to start treatment immediately so as to prevent unnecessary complications