Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

FAQ for LEDGrowLights


    • Plants absorb different wavelengths of light that LEDGrowLights provide during the photosynthesis process. You need to place red and blue LEDGrowLights at least 1 foot away from the tops of your plants. However, you can place LED full-spectrum light bulbs 3 inches from the top of your plant's leaves.


    • The 14-watt LEDGrowLight Kit provides up to 2 square feet of light. This kit contains two red LED bulbs and one blue LED bulb, in addition to a 1-foot-long track lighting fixture that contains three bulb sockets. The 24-watt LEDGrowLight Kit provides up to 4 square feet of light and also comes with two red LED bulbs and one blue LED bulb. This kit features a 2-foot-long track lighting fixture with three bulb sockets.


    • Red LEDGrowLights range in price between $37.50 and $89, and Blue LEDGrowLights cost $40.56, as of May 2011. You can purchase a full spectrum GrowLight for $94. The 14-watt LEDGrowLight Kit costs $129.00, and the 24-watt LEDGrowLight Kit costs $259, as of May 2011.

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