Haunted House Cake Decorating Ideas
- Candy corn is a popular Halloween treat.candy corn image by Ryan LeBaron from Fotolia.com
Some 2,000 years ago, the Celts celebrated their new year on Oct. 31, the last day of their summer and the beginning of their winter, which was associated with darkness and death. The Celts thought that on this night ghosts, returned to earth, ruining crops. They held an annual celebration where they dressed in costumes and made bonfires. Through the years, the tradition evolved into a night of mischief and candy called Halloween. Reflect the spirit of Halloween by decorating a haunted house cake. - Martha Stewart suggests cooking different-sized cakes and stack them on top of each other, using buttercream to bond them together. Frost them with dark chocolate icing.
To create a dilapidated feel to the house, cut the top layers at slight angles before stacking. - Graham cracker pieces can be assembled to create a house on top of a sheet cake, according to the Betty Crocker website. Use frosting to adhere the pieces together, and line the walkway to the front door with triangular candy corn. Put a candy corn pumpkin near the door and decorate the lawn with tombstones made from cookies, using frosting to write "R.I.P." and other morbid phrases on them.
- Use chocolate candy melts to create your own designs on foil or parchment paper. Fill a resealable plastic sandwich bag with the melted chips, cut a small hole in one corner and squeeze white chocolate into the shape of a ghost or a mummy. Use dark chocolate to make other haunted house "guests" such as cats, bats and witches. If you prefer not to draw freehand with the melted chocolate, trace a shape onto paper and outline it with a dark marker. Place your picture under parchment paper as a guide, according to the Easy Cake Ideas website.
Add a toothpick to the bottom of each chocolate and let them harden in the refrigerator before adding them to your cake. You can also use chocolate molds to create different shapes or lollipops. - The Family Education website suggests evenly covering a lollipop with a tissue and tie it with a ribbon under the candy part. With a black permanent marker, make two dots for eyes and one larger dot for the mouth. Insert a few ghost pops near the haunted graham cracker house or in the graveyard.