Hemorrhoid Cream Secrets
There are many kinds of over-the-counter remedies available to treat hemorrhoids.
The most popular over-the-counter remedies are the hemorrhoid creams and ointments.
Hemorrhoid creams are mainly used to soothe the pain, relieve the itching and burning that are caused by hemorrhoids.
These usually contain numbing agents.
Some of it also asserts that they can help shrink the hemorrhoidal tissue.
There are a few variations of these creams.
Some of these are anesthetic or analgesic creams, homeopathic creams that contain witch hazel or natural herbs, and hydrocortisone.
Some of these creams may also come in a form of foam.
The hemorrhoid creams' goal is to allow the process of healing naturally by relieving the discomfort long enough to allow this to happen.
There are also creams that are cortisone-based that are available by prescription for those hemorrhoids that are slightly more serious and severe.
As a matter of fact, it has an active ingredient that goes to the problem directly and thus, providing relief from discomfort and from the pain.
This also applies to bleeding hemorrhoids.
Using creams will not cause further damage to the damaged tissues by bringing immediate relief to the pain and discomfort.
It can ease the swelling of the irritated tissues.
Aside for this, it will give you temporary relief from the pain, itching and burning that are caused by hemorrhoids.
But before applying the hemorrhoid cream to the affected area, it is important to fully cleanse the area by wiping or blotting it with a wet or moist tissue.
The most popular over-the-counter remedies are the hemorrhoid creams and ointments.
Hemorrhoid creams are mainly used to soothe the pain, relieve the itching and burning that are caused by hemorrhoids.
These usually contain numbing agents.
Some of it also asserts that they can help shrink the hemorrhoidal tissue.
There are a few variations of these creams.
Some of these are anesthetic or analgesic creams, homeopathic creams that contain witch hazel or natural herbs, and hydrocortisone.
Some of these creams may also come in a form of foam.
The hemorrhoid creams' goal is to allow the process of healing naturally by relieving the discomfort long enough to allow this to happen.
There are also creams that are cortisone-based that are available by prescription for those hemorrhoids that are slightly more serious and severe.
As a matter of fact, it has an active ingredient that goes to the problem directly and thus, providing relief from discomfort and from the pain.
This also applies to bleeding hemorrhoids.
Using creams will not cause further damage to the damaged tissues by bringing immediate relief to the pain and discomfort.
It can ease the swelling of the irritated tissues.
Aside for this, it will give you temporary relief from the pain, itching and burning that are caused by hemorrhoids.
But before applying the hemorrhoid cream to the affected area, it is important to fully cleanse the area by wiping or blotting it with a wet or moist tissue.