EBook Revolution
Digital eBooks sales are increasing dramatically.For many millions of readers books are, and always will be, the favoured way of reading and hopefully hard backs and paperbacks will never be completely replaced by digital forms. But nothing less than a revolution is taking place in the publishing industry at a speed that few could have predicted, and it may well accelerate.
The world of books and reading has changed forever. With the advent of ebooks a wider audience, and possibly different audience, has opened up.Whether sales of traditional books will decline because of ebook sales remains to be seen. If they are two completely different markets and there is little switching or substituting the effect on sales may be negligible.
The old monopoly of agents and publishers controlling what and who gets published is broken. And they are none to happy about it. They fear that there will be too many inferior books reaching the market now that epublishing is so easy and cheap. The simple fact is, and history proves it, this elite is and never was any better at judging the quality and potential success of books than the reading public. Now the ease of self-publishing in digital form makes it possible for anyone to publish and make their work available to the wider public as never before – and let the public decide.And as there are no printing or postal costs and with Amazon's 70% royalty option authors and small publishers can actually make profits instead of losses. Payment is easy and quick – straight into bank your bank account each month.
For over two years, Amazon has been building and introducing a wide selection of free "Buy Once, Read Everywhere" Kindle apps to enable authors to sell their Kindle books on the most popular devices and platforms.Amazon makes digital books available on Kindle, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Android devices BlackBerry, Windows Phone and Android-based phones and tablets and is expanding availability all the time.
The geographic reach for digital books in English is increasing rapidly as well. Amazon Kindle Books have been available in the U.S.A, U.K. and Canada for some time and are now also available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.All of Linda Carlino's books are available at Amazon as Kindle Books and paperbacks.:That Other Juana (Juana la Loca), A Matter of Pride (Charles V), Wives & Other Women (Philip II of Spain), Ana (Ana of Austria), Barbara Remembered (Barbara Blomberg)
The world of books and reading has changed forever. With the advent of ebooks a wider audience, and possibly different audience, has opened up.Whether sales of traditional books will decline because of ebook sales remains to be seen. If they are two completely different markets and there is little switching or substituting the effect on sales may be negligible.
The old monopoly of agents and publishers controlling what and who gets published is broken. And they are none to happy about it. They fear that there will be too many inferior books reaching the market now that epublishing is so easy and cheap. The simple fact is, and history proves it, this elite is and never was any better at judging the quality and potential success of books than the reading public. Now the ease of self-publishing in digital form makes it possible for anyone to publish and make their work available to the wider public as never before – and let the public decide.And as there are no printing or postal costs and with Amazon's 70% royalty option authors and small publishers can actually make profits instead of losses. Payment is easy and quick – straight into bank your bank account each month.
For over two years, Amazon has been building and introducing a wide selection of free "Buy Once, Read Everywhere" Kindle apps to enable authors to sell their Kindle books on the most popular devices and platforms.Amazon makes digital books available on Kindle, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, Android devices BlackBerry, Windows Phone and Android-based phones and tablets and is expanding availability all the time.
The geographic reach for digital books in English is increasing rapidly as well. Amazon Kindle Books have been available in the U.S.A, U.K. and Canada for some time and are now also available in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.All of Linda Carlino's books are available at Amazon as Kindle Books and paperbacks.:That Other Juana (Juana la Loca), A Matter of Pride (Charles V), Wives & Other Women (Philip II of Spain), Ana (Ana of Austria), Barbara Remembered (Barbara Blomberg)