Family & Relationships Weddings

How to Write Wedding Thank You Letters

    • 1). Begin by offering a proper greeting such as "Dear So-and-so." Many writers forget this very simple first step.

    • 2). Express genuine gratitude with a sentence as simple as "Thank you for the crystal vase."

    • 3). Write next about how you plan to use the item--something like "I love having fresh flowers in the house and I know that the vase will look beautiful on our table."

    • 4). Discuss the past and refer to the future. An example might be along the lines of "I enjoyed seeing you last summer at Uncle Jack's birthday party and am thrilled that you will attend our wedding next month," or "I was so happy to share our wedding day with you and hope to see you again very soon." If you do not have frequent contact with the sender, as simple "I think of you often and hope you are well" will suffice.

    • 5). Say "thanks" once more, "Thanks again for the gift."

    • 6). Wrap it up with a pleasant closing that uses words like "Love," "Warmly," Yours truly" or whatever suits you.

    • 7). Review the letter for spelling errors and be sure to attach proper postage.

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