Cars & Vehicles Hybrid Vehicles

The Green Car And Other Uses For Bio-Diesel

Bio fuel in the form of bio-diesel can be used for clean environmentally sound power for personal transport.
Most modern diesel engines can use it without modification.
However bio fuel can be used for much more than just cars.
Aircraft: Trials are ongoing with various airlines, and aircraft manufacturers, to produce a viable bio fuel powered aircraft.
The German airline Lufthansa have been running an Airbus A321 on a mix of traditional fuel and bio fuel since 2010 in an attempt to show long-term effects on engine wear, performance, and maintenance.
Trains: Around the world many trains are now powered by pure or blends of bio-diesel and regular diesel.
Virgin trains in the UK are running several passenger trains on a mix of regular and bio fuel using 80% regular and 20% bio.
The park trains at Disneyland in the USA have all been running on 95% bio-diesel since 2007.
Trains are one of the easiest modes of transport to convert, as they are already powered by diesel in many cases, and can switch with little modification being necessary.
Heating: Bio fuel can be used as heating oil.
Again switching requires minimal change to the burners and equipment.
It can not only save money, as it is a cheaper fuel, but also produces 80% less CO2, so it is much kinder to the environment.
Buses: This is another case where change is quite simple.
A bus diesel engine can adapt to the bio equivalent with little modification, and doing so brings a massive reduction in the CO2 emissions.
As this form of transport is often used in large cities, changing to this cleaner fuel will make them a lot more pleasant places to be.
The reduction in soot and sulfur dioxide deposits will preserve the buildings too, as many are damaged by this acidic soot build up currently.
Trucks: McDonalds fleet in the UK was the first major delivery fleet to run on 100% bio-diesel.
It is even more environmentally sound as a percentage of the bio fuel is derived by processing waste oil from it's own restaurants.
Converting the worlds delivery vehicles to bio-fuel would make massive savings in fossil oil use, and also reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Transport is a thing which we cannot go without, so reducing its impact is a great step in the right direction.
Your car: One of the fastest ways that we can all improve our environmental credentials is by switching to bio fuel.
It is available now on the forecourt of most filling stations.
If you live in Europe and use diesel, you will already be using a 20% mix, as all commercially available diesel fuel now contains this percentage of bio-diesel.
Most car engines can use pure bio-diesel with little or no modification, so you could switch today.

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