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Top Work At Home Challenges...Tips and Options

You've found the perfect work at home job. You will at big on fuel prices, be at home for your children, and come and go as you please.

The above are just a few benefits of working from home. But, have you thought about the challenges? Hmm...are there really challenges? You bet! Listed below are the top three.

Keeping Your Office and House Space Separate

One of the biggest and most important challenges of working at home is keeping your office space and home space separate. You will still have laundry to do, meals to prepare, and beds to make. It's so very important to map out a workable schedule for your work at home duties and your household chores.

It's important to create your own office space...wether it be a whole room or a portion of a room. Create this area specifically for doing your work at home duties. Make sure your family knows this is YOUR work space and make them understand they should treat it as such. Make up a schedule for when you will be doing your work at home tasks and when you will be doing your household duties.

If you have children that are old enough to share in running the household...this would be a great help. Get them involved around the home. They will benefit much by learning from it.

Children and Family Time

Of course one of the biggest reasons for deciding to work from home in the first place is spending more time with your children and family. But, sometimes that can be much easier said than done...especially if you have young children at home with you during the day. Homeworkers that have school-age children have an advantage. They are able to get quite a bit accomplished while the children are at school. While homeworkers that have young children under-foot...arrangements and or schedules have to be made that will work for them.

If you have young children at home and they take naps during the day...this would be an ideal time for you to get some of your work completed. If your children are the type that constantly needs entertaining or needs to be looked after, you can also choose to do most of your work after they are in bed for the night. Of course, this would depend on your particular work situation.

One option that some homeworkers choose is hiring a nanny to come to the home. Some homeworkers are lucky enough to have a spouse that would be available during work time, or perhaps an older sibling.

Family time can also be a challenge. Working out a daily or weekly schedule just for family time is very important. If it's feasible for meal time to be on the schedule...if you have the option to have everyone together at this time, that would be some good quality family time. Get the whole family involved in the meal planning and preparation. However, in some cases, older siblings are not always available during meal time due to other activities.

Schedule your work at home business around your family. Try and schedule weekends off from your home business for more family time. You can also reserve a special night of the week just for family activities.

Taking You Seriously

This has been a big challenge for me with my business. There's just something about the phrase "work at home" that makes some people frown. They think that if you don't work outside the home...then it's not a "real job."

Here is one example:

I've heard my brother call my job a "nice cushiony work at home job." Those were his exact words. We were discussing finding time to take care of some things for my Father and he stated that he and my sister didn't have time because they both work. Well...of course I spoke up and said, "I work too." He replied, "Yes, but you have a nice cushiony work at home job" and laughed.

Personally, I'd have to say..."not taking me serious" has been my biggest challenge. It has gotten easier, but in the past...there have been some mighty heated debates.

If it is your desire to work at home...remember, it's not always an ideal situation. Although there are truly many benefits, but there are always important things to consider and plan for.

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