Golf Training Aids: How They Can Improve All Areas of Your Game
Golf training aids in more recent years have received a lot of bad press especially amongst the teaching professionals and traditionalists.
Many of these golf teaching aids are seen as very gimmicky but for the most part, these aids are helpful to the player working on a specific aspect of the game.
The key in judging the value of a golf aid is whether it effectively contributes towards feel and whether it can be directly translated into swings made without the training aid.
The question arises then as to whether a player should be dependent on the golf performance training equipment in order to make a decent swing? What Advantages Do Golf Training Aids Have?
What do Golf Training Aids Actually Do? There are many areas of your game that you could be having problems with.
For instance, you may need to correct your swing plane, your address to the ball, your weight transfer, your shoulder turn, wrist break, head movement, balance, putting and the list goes on and on and you will find accessories for all of these.
There are some top rated golf training aids in the marketplace which teaching professionals will endorse as part of their coaching programmes.
Consistency through repetition is the key to success with golf and the top players in the world today have got to where they are by countless hours of practice, hard work and dedication.
Many of these golf teaching aids are seen as very gimmicky but for the most part, these aids are helpful to the player working on a specific aspect of the game.
The key in judging the value of a golf aid is whether it effectively contributes towards feel and whether it can be directly translated into swings made without the training aid.
The question arises then as to whether a player should be dependent on the golf performance training equipment in order to make a decent swing? What Advantages Do Golf Training Aids Have?
- Golf teaching aids allow us to improve on our game without being overwhelmed by countless swing thoughts.
- They allow us swing the correct way by utilising Muscle Memory.
Put another way, imitating without the mental overload of advice and tips coming in from all directions. - They allow us to get out of bad habits as we all know that a habit is the product of repetition continuously until it becomes automatic without thinking.
- There are many types to choose from which target all the aspects of your game that you may need to focus on, therefore satisfying your own personal requirements.
What do Golf Training Aids Actually Do? There are many areas of your game that you could be having problems with.
For instance, you may need to correct your swing plane, your address to the ball, your weight transfer, your shoulder turn, wrist break, head movement, balance, putting and the list goes on and on and you will find accessories for all of these.
- Putting - If putting is your area of weakness you can choose from a large selection of putting aids.
Putting golf mats will assist you in developing a consistent, smooth putting stroke enabling you to sink more putts in real play.
Training straps will also assist in removing wrist movement in your putting stroke. - Chipping - Golf nets are a great as these will help with your accuracy and ball striking when try to chip into one whether it be off grass or a mat.
They are also invaluable for practicing your wedge play as you are able to just distance better to your target. - Golf Swing - There are golf swing trainers that will help you with your swing alignment, posture and stance.
Laser golf training aids are now common place to act in the capacity as a swing speed trainer and various software tools to help break a swing down in order to evaluate it.
There are some top rated golf training aids in the marketplace which teaching professionals will endorse as part of their coaching programmes.
Consistency through repetition is the key to success with golf and the top players in the world today have got to where they are by countless hours of practice, hard work and dedication.