Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Prune an Oakleaf Hydrangea

    • 1). Cut off old or dead flowers with pruning shears. Prune above the first set of large leaves to avoid disturbing other buds on the bush.

    • 2). Prune dead or broken branches to a healthy section of stem. Dead or broken branches can be pruned at any time of the year.

    • 3). Cut back limbs that rub against each other until they are clear. Cut these limbs during the winter, when there are fewer leaves and it is easier to see inside the bush.

    • 4). Prune back 1/3 of the oldest stems each year during the winter to create a healthier, bushier plant the following spring. Cut the stems down to the ground. This type of pruning should only be done to oakleaf hydrangeas that are at least 5 years old.

    • 5). Cut back any branches that have experienced winterkill. Prune off the dead wood in early spring.

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