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How to Repair an Auto Motor After It Was Parked for 2 Years

    • 1). Use a hand pump to siphon out any gas that is left in the tank.

    • 2). Remove the inline fuel filter by unscrewing the clamps with a flat head screwdriver and pulling the connecting hoses off the filter. Your filter will either be located under the car near the gas tank, or in the engine compartment--follow the fuel line from your carburetor or fuel injection system to find the filter. Install a new filter by connecting the fuel line hoses to it and clamping them firmly into place. Make sure that the arrow on the body of the filter is pointed in the direction of the engine.

    • 3). Mix 2 cap-fulls of Marvel Mystery oil into 3 gallons of fresh gas and pour the mixture into your gas tank.

    • 4). Place an oil drain pan under the oil pan of the car. This will be the pan bolted beneath the engine with a larger drain bolt sticking out of the bottom or side of the pan. Consult the car's manual for the exact location of the pan. Loosen the bolt and let the old oil drain completely out.

    • 5). Remove the bolts attaching the oil pan to the engine block, make sure you keep track of which bolts came from where as they need to be re-installed in the same place. Pull the pan off the engine and remove the oil screen by unscrewing or unclipping it from the frame that holds it in place. Clean the pan and screen by spraying it with a degreaser; WD-40, or any carburetor cleaner, will work just fine. Hose the parts off and let them dry.

    • 6). Scrape any remaining gasket off the oil pan rim and from around the bolt holes on the auto engine. Reinstall the screen. Place a new gasket on the rim of the oil pan and lift it up into place. Reattach the pan by installing the pan bolts in the exact place and order that you removed them. Tighten the bolts in stages working alternate bolts. Replace the oil pan drain bolt.

    • 7). Grab the oil filter with both hands and twist it counter-clockwise to unscrew and remove it. Take your new filter and coat the rubber gasket with a layer of the old oil. Screw this into place, hand tight. Add 1 qt. of Marvel Mystery Oil to your crankcase and then add new oil. Consult you car's manual for the right amount of oil.

    • 8). Place a bucket under the radiator drain plug (this is usually located on the bottom left of a radiator, but consult the car's manual to be sure). Open the plug and drain all the fluid from the coolant system. Close the plug.

    • 9). Remove and replace all the hoses connected with the coolant system. Most of these will be held in place with a screw clamp. Unscrew the clamp, remove the hoses and take them to your local auto dealership to get an exact replacement. Reinstall the hoses and refill the radiator with fresh fluid according to the fluid amounts listed in the car's manual.

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      Remove and replace air filter. If the car has a carburetor, spray an entire can of carburetor cleaner (any kind) into the throat before replacing the filter.

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      Remove and replace all fan belts according to the instructions in your car's manual.

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      Remove and replace the starter coil, distributor cap, ignition rotor, sparkplugs and spark plug wires with OEM or aftermarket parts that are designed for your car.

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      Remove and replace all of the car's fuses. Look in your car's manual to find out the specific type and amps for each fuse location.

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      Remove and replace your car's battery. Do not attempt to recharge it.

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      Put the key in the ignition and turn it to the first setting. Wait about 20 seconds to allow your fuel pump to engage and then start the car.

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