Health & Medical Eating & Food

A Look at the 2014 Food Safety Summit Expo and Conference

Updated May 21, 2014.

Providing three full days of educative opportunity the annual Food Safety Summit Expo and Conference held in Baltimore, Maryland allows the country’s food industry to gain top insight and most up to date information available when it comes to food safety.

Three certifications, four workshops, twenty different keynote sessions and over 150 different companies highlight this year’s expo covering everything from new technology, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point certifications, food safety management and food fraud just to name a few.

As the Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) moves full steam ahead these sessions and certifications head by top experts of the industry provide invaluable opportunity for growers, processors, retailers, distributors, foodservice operators, regulators and academia to be as informed as possible.

Scheduled Certification Programs

This year attendees have the opportunity to become certified in three key areas: Two within Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Food Fraud.

Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution and consumption of the finished product.

Within HACCP there are two certification courses being offered at this year’s expo: One for HACCP’s application to the entire food industry and one specific to seafood regulation. 

As the food industry becomes increasingly regulated under FSMA it has become mandatory companies apart of food processing and handling to have HACCP certification.

This two and a half day certification program will provide professionals within the food processing industry knowledge and tools needed to create or update their company’s HACCP plan. These safety plans are required to pass any third-party food safety audits.

The third certification opportunity is for industry to become aware of the two types of food fraud: Selling of potentially harmful food and incorrect description of food i.e. food sold as wild when actually farmed or improper disclosure of foods origin.

The goal behind prevention of Food Fraud is to decrease foodborne illnesses, increase production of safe food and increase value of exported products.

Scheduled Workshops

Four half-day workshops are scheduled this year all centered on food safety, quality control and traceability.

The first food safety workshop focuses on improving food safety through the “One Health” initiative. The American Veterinary Animal Association describes “One Health” as “the collaborative effort of multiple disciplines—working locally, nationally, and globally—to attain optimal health for people, animals and the environment”.

Attendees also have the opportunity to attend a workshop designed to provide a foundation for safety and quality management focusing on sanitation, pest management, chemical programs and proper training and development of employees.

A third workshop is designed to provide tools and practice on finding the source of a foodborne illness outbreak via a trace back process. The goal behind this workshop is to present the value of traceability and how it can help a company survive and recover from an outbreak it caused. 

The longest workshop of the day addresses how companies should approach food safety as well as differentiate FSMA’s Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVPs) from third-party auditors. A recent case such as the Jensen Farms lawsuit against Primus labs for a negligent audit spawns the need for this type of workshop. How can the audit process become more effective in preventing foodborne illness outbreaks? How can the companies work together to prevent catastrophes like the 2011 Listeria outbreak?

Guest Speakers

During this year’s expo attendees will have the opportunity for a Town Hall discussion with three of the country’s top representatives from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Association of Food and Drug Officials (AFDO).

Deputy Commissioner for Foods Mike Taylor of FDA is stopping in as a nationally recognized food safety expert. Taylor has served on and off with FDA and USDA since 1976 and as USDA Administrator of the Food Safety and Inspection Service (1994-1996) he implemented HACCP.

Deputy under Secretary for Food Safety Brian Ronholm of USDA provides leadership and oversight for the Food Safety Inspection Service (FSIS). FSIS is responsible for ensuring the nation’s commercial supply of meat, poultry and egg supply is properly labeled and packaged. Highlights from Ronholm’s career include the 2008 Farm Bill and his work on FSMA.

Executive Director of AFDO Joe Corby has over 37 years of experience in the world of food safety. AFDO is a non-profit organization at the helm drafting regulatory rules and commenting on government proposals with the goal of streamlining and simplifying regulations.

The 2014 Food Safety Summit Expo and Conference opens with the pre-conference certification sessions Monday April 7 and the Expo and Conference itself runs April 8-10. Note: HACCP certification starts April 7 with part one. Parts two and three are on April 8 and 9. 

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