How to Grow Corn in Different Types of Soil
- 1). Consider the soil density and drainage. Corn grows best in loamy soil with good drainage, according to the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension (see reference 1). Gardeners growing corn in an area that has naturally light and loamy soil do not need to alter the soil density. If, however, your soil is heavy clay with poor drainage, buy a loamy soil mixture, pour a layer of it over the planting area and mix it into the ground with a tiller.
- 2). Test the soil pH or have it tested by a nearby nursery or university. Corn grows best in soil with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5, although it can tolerate a little bit higher or lower, according to Purdue University's Cooperative Extension (see reference 2). If the soil pH test shows soil with a pH lower than 6, the soil is too acidic. If the test shows soil with a pH above 6.5, it is too alkaline. Gardening stores sell fertilizers and powders designed to alter the pH. You might also add a naturally acidic compost, like pine needles, to soil with a high pH.
- 3). Provide nutrients for the soil. Many nurseries and universities offer soil nutrient testing in addition to soil pH testing and can recommend which type of fertilizer is best for a specific garden's soil. In general, soils with low nitrogen need more nitrogen for corn to grow well. In the absence of soil testing, Purdue's Cooperative Extension recommends adding a 12-12-12 fertilizer to all soil types before planting corn (see reference 2). Till the fertilizer into the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches.
- 4). Consider the soil temperature and the fact that most varieties of corn are warm-weather crops. Purdue recommends planting corn late enough in the season for soil temperatures to stay between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (see reference 2). This means that corn grows best when planted at different times of the year in different climates, because ideal planting time depends on soil temperature. In soils cooler than 60 degrees, plant the corn one-half inch deeper than normal to help insulate it.
- 5). Provide sufficient watering. Corn needs at least 1 inch of water a week, according to the National Gardening Association (see reference 3). In really rainy climes, the springtime soil will retain some of the moisture from winter and spring rains and will only require 1 inch or less of water a week. If the garden soil feels dry below the surface at the end of a week, consider watering the corn more. Water so that the soil stays at least slightly damp all the time but is never overly saturated.