Business & Finance Blogging

Bloggers and Their Blunders

Blogging is a great tool that helps in establishing a powerful online presence.
It is a blessing for many writers as it helps them a great deal to pursue their passion.
For those who are voracious readers, the blogs provide them with many new topics to read about.
When it comes to promoting a business, blogs prove to be highly beneficial.
On the whole, blogs are very flexible as they can be used for any purpose and one of the effective online interaction platforms.
All time blunders made by bloggers Choosing an absolutely plain, dull name First impression is always the best impression.
So when a person looks at the name of your blog, it should be in such a way that, he/she will definitely click on it.
The name should be unique, attractive and should convey at least little insight into the blog's content.
So you should put your vocabulary skills to work and conjure up a really effective name for the blog.
Choosing an irrelevant name This is a very common blunder made by amateur bloggers.
In the hurry of launching their own blogs, they just rush through this important step.
What actually happens is that, they do not have a clear idea as to what they are going to blog about and end up in choosing an irrelevant name.
For example, a first time blogger may want to blog about dogs in general, and so must have chosen a related name for the blog.
But over a period of time, the blogger may want to blog about cats, fish and other pets, maybe other animals also.
So in that aspect, the name of the blog becomes irrelevant and it will not come upon during related searches by users.
Not caring to promote the blog Every blogger wants more number of blog hits on his/her blog.
It is a very happy feeling when you see that somebody has been to your blog and actually read what you have written.
They will not know that such and such a blog exists until, you promote it.
This can be done very easily by means of social networking - Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.
These are proven methods of bringing more people to your blogs.
Not being active and responsive When a reader posts comments about your blog post, it is absolutely essential that you respond back to them.
This will give the readers an impression that you are very active and are quite passionate about what you are doing.
If the readers have their own blogs, it would be all the more effective, if you take time to visit theirs and give your feedback.
After all everybody loves a little praise and encouragement.
We all know that Content is king.
A blog with many posts will make more and more readers come back to it.
This is one important blunder that is very frequently overlooked by the bloggers.
It is not only essential to get more readers to comment on your blogs, but it is all the more essential to read and comment on blogs related to your niche.
The above mentioned blunders are only a very few among the many common blunders.
Even though there are so many resources for bloggers, not everything can be learnt from them.
Only when the person is right in the action of maintaining blog can he/she understand everything completely.
You can learn about your particular blunders in the course of learning and make sure that you rectify them.
When you get really good number of readers to your blog, you may very well congratulate yourself on not having committed any of the common blunders.
That is the way to successful and happy blogging!

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