Technology Networking & Internet

Virtual Reality

This article investigates such important aspect of virtual reality as the Internet. Understanding other people's languages, cultures, etiquettes and taboos is necessary for every person. Nowadays it is obligatory for an intelligent person to know the Netiquette - the norms of conducting in the Internet.
The Internet is known as an invisible communications phenomenon. It is used by millions of people every minute. For many people the Internet is a "room" that is situated somewhere behind their computer screens in a cyberspace. Though the Internet exists for about a decade it has become the medium of the new network society. The popular and commercial spreading of the Internet has been exceedingly significant - promoting changes in almost every sphere of human activity and society.
The Internet is a new system of communication, new media and source of data, new way of making business, new form of political and cultural expression, new form of teaching and learning, and new community. From the very beginning of the Internet in 1991, it has completely changed the way firms do business, as well as the way customers buy and use products and services. The Internet gives extra opportunities for marketing. The spreading of the Internet has been so impetuous that it has been the point for well-grounded analysis. The Internet, virtual reality, can or cannot have negative effects on our culture and society?
The history of the Internet dates back to the first development of communication networks. The idea of a computer network meant to provide general communication between computer users. This process has developed via a great number of steps. The first ideas appeared in the 1950s. In the 1980s, technologies that became the basis of the modern Internet began to spread worldwide. In the 1990s the World Wide Web was used all over the world. The infrastructure of the Internet spread all over the world and the modern world wide network of computers have appeared. It spread amidst the western countries, then came into the developing countries and created a worldwide admittance to communications and data and a digital divide in admittance to this new infrastructure.

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